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Studio headphones


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Well the Sony 7506 is what I would recommend although I just also got some sennheiser HD380 which are a little more refined.


I also use the Sony V300 and V700 headphones for general use but if you want defined bass then you may need to pay a bit more.


The V55 may also be worth looking at: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Sony-MDR-V55-DJ-Stereo-Headphones-Red/dp/B007I1QY5Y/ref=pd_sbs_23_3?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=8YNEYPFHTKXHTAP4XYY3









The Audio Technica range is probably more in your budget and the ATH-M20 may be worth checking out as well as the better quality Behringers and Studiospares own brand.

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EDIT TO ADD: This is a very contentious area. One person will say "get this" and another will say "get that". I'm detailing my approach here so you can see what I think is reasonable to check for and expect.


Spent a long time listening to various "recording" and "DJ" headphones a few months back. I'd *always* been a Sennheiser (HD25 or similar) man until my last pair got stolen, and I wanted to check the market when buying again to make sure I was getting the right thing. Now, this might just be down to the way they all fit my head/ears and how I hear the world, but for what it's worth:


Dropped the Beats, Yamaha, Pioneer, Sony and Beyerdynamic products pretty quickly from listening tests - regardless of price point. Freq response was all over the place on pretty much all of them. Beyerdynamic and Sony's seemed reasonably flat, but even then they were far too "dry" and lacking in bass extension.


Then came down to the Sennheiser vs Audio Technica comparisons. Spent a lot of time comparing across these. Loved the warmth of the Sennheiser HD25's, and the lower-budget models showed similar "Family" sound but with varying degrees of accuracy. Then to Audio Technica - the ATH-M50X stood head and shoulders above the bunch. Wanted to like the M40's but just couldn't get on with them. If I'd truly been constrained to a budget I'd have gone with the M20's as they offered much of the apparent tonal and dynamic accuracy of the M50X's without coloring the sound *too* much given the price point. But to my ear the M50X's offered enough flexibility and refinement (at cost of a slight lift around 150Hz) to make the extra cost worth paying. Took an hour or so to get there, but it was worth it.


All of that said, I *really* think you need to walk into a proper brick-and-mortar store and actually listen to the things with a good source on a portable player. I was genuinely surprised at how different each model sounded - and in most cases how little the actual price-level seemed to coincide with any perceived improvement in quality. Every set was just *so* different until I got to the Audio-Technica line, where there did seem to be some kind of logical price:performance rationale in place.


Also - if you don't already have a pair, I think you could do a lot worse in pure audio performance terms (for a lot more money) than the standard $29 (yes, I'm in America) Apple EarPods with 3.5mm connector and whatever adaptors you need to feed them from your kit. I'd suggest they're a good reference to keep around to check mixes because they're so common.

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I have the HD25 and 26 too and listened to the ATH-M50X before xmas and have to agree that they are very good but went for the Sennheiser HD380 as they are more comfortable and to my ears sound a bit smoother than the Sonys and the ATH-M50X. Besides the wife was buying so it was an easy decision for an alternative home listening set.

Having said all of that the revelation for low cost has been the Henson Audio H6 bluetooth headphones that I recently posted. For just £10 they are great general purpose cans but as they are bluetooth not really any good for recording but for listening they are great with a bit of bass cut.

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Favourites of mine are Sennheiser HD280 and HD25 for recording (and Sony 7506 for live) but all are outside your budget.


I recently needed an extra set of headphones on a few minutes notice so I dashed out to the closest electronics store and ended up with some Sennheiser HD201 headsets. I've been pleasantly surprised by the quality and use them quite a lot now. They're not top of the range but do seem to punch above their weight in terms of price.


They don't like being sat on though--mine are now covered in gaffer tape after a careless flip into my chair.

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I've also been pleasantly surprised by the HD201. The only downside was making the rather flimsy cable single-sided - I don't mind having my cans dragged off when I stand up, but I really don't like being garrotted.
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HD 206 is 'a new version of the HD201', (it says in the Argos Q&A). They are described as having a 'symmetric' cord (i.e. the same length cord goes to each earpiece). They are available from Argos at under £25. The sound is not bad at all, the build quality is "lightweight" i.e. they don't survive being sat on, as someone else has mentioned, but I doubt your HD25 light at four times the price would survive much rough treatment either. also a bit fragile at the cable / plug meeting point...


(also, they appear to be more expensive on eBay or amazon)

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