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Jands Vista with QLab

Mr Steve

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I'm posting this at the same time as doing some research online as this is all very last minute. I want to get my Vista desk to trigger video playback in Qlab 4. Many of the videos online have QLab controlling LX, but I want LX to fire off video cues held in QLab. I presume it's going to be the same idea of the Vista sending MTC with QLab listening. If anyone can give me some pointers on how to get this going it would be much appreciated.




ETA: this will be using MIDI over network / IP

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There's not really such a thing as MIDI over IP, so I think you must be confused.

(There are several proprietary ways of doing it, some open and some closed, but no common standards.)


The way to do this is via OSC. You can set up QLab to trigger "GO" or "GOTO CUE" on receipt of an OSC command - see the manual for details.


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Thanks guys. I don't think Vista can send OSC commands - it's not mentioned in the manual and any reference to it online seems to suggest it's not there. Button pushing it is!


The MIDI over IP thing was me meaning that you can set up a MIDI session over a LAN between two hosts, rather than MIDI over IP, as a protocol.

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FWIR I don't think you can trigger qlab with DMX in (unlike SCS), which might have been a workaround.


You might not be able to do it with a Jands Vista but you most certainly can use MIDI to trigger events in Qlab.


Using MIDI to control Qlab.





I think we'd already established that ;-)


Apologies, the rest of the thread was absent on my phone this morning.





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