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Whole Hog Training

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I asked High End/ FPS a while back but they said they weren't sure when they would be running them and they would get back to me but they never did. There does appear to be some info on the FPS website.


Alteratively ask White Light or maybe Stage LX??



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Flying Pig do run training, but places are limited (4 people at a time!) and so it's tricky to get a place. I had to pull out my connection to a rather large High End Customer before I could secure a place.


Details are here.

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It's worth persevering with FPS to see if you can get on their training - it's very good. Well, it was when I went for my Hog2 training two or three years ago, anyway. I don't know what their system is now, but as Bryson says they used to limit it to four participants per session - that way, everyone had their own Hog2 and their own WYSIWYG Perform system on which to work.


But they don't run many courses, it helps if you have 'connections' that can get you in ... and unless you can blag your way onto it for free via an organisation that's a FPS customer or is 'associated' in some other way, you'll have to pay.

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I attempted to get the training, but support just passed on my email address to "the relevant chap" who never got back to me. Now of course it's too late to remind him as I've only got a fortnight left before I go back to the ship.


Obviously going to have to yank out my connection to another large customer and try to get a place on one in December.


One thing - if you contact them at the above email address, make sure you state which country you want. The email address is the general support one (located in Germany), not the UK support one as I'd assumed by the way the page is phrased, and they tend to think you're in the States.

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