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Letter to burst into flames or explode or flash on stage


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Please tell me there's a bigclive video being planned now testing flash paper from china, europe and british manufacturers?


Well I may have ordered some from China. It's usually shipped wet, so should be safe in transit.


I have to be careful when I make videos about some things as it not only causes a sales rush and increase in price (and also good stock turnover), but sometimes it encourages the safety gestapo to bleat to eBay about listings of dangerous things.

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  • 3 weeks later...
My first pack of flash paper arrived, and rather disturbingly was not shipped wet. It was in a typical plastic peel-n-stick plastic pack. I tested a sheet and it burned much slower than desired, so I left a couple of sheets out in case there was the desired storage moisture. I then tried another and it too burned too slow to be suitable for many effects.
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I think it was supposed to be shipped wet, and the instructions with it mention keeping it damp for maximum life.

It does burn like flashpaper, but not as fast until the flame gets to where it is sweeping up a large area and self feeds. Then it goes up with a more normal effect.


It still works, but is just a bit slower than the stuff I'm used to. The flame is yellow and smoke and ash free.


Hmm, hold on. I'll make a demo video of it burning.


(Sets up camera on tripod and makes video.)


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