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Strand Neo


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Just wondering if anyone has experience of the Strand Neo? I saw a demo of it and it seemed reasonably good, but with the foothold that the Ion has on the market, is there any hope for it? I was a big fan of the Strand 520, but they lost their way after that. Anybody got any feedback on it?











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The Strand Neo OS is actually from light factory which has been around for years.


I'm everyday user of Eos and have done a number shows with the Light Factory OS...


The software on the neo is a lot more powerful then eos, when it comes to effects and pixel mappings. Cue lists are about the same level.


However there are so many eos receiving houses now and programmers that the Neo has a hard fight in front of it...


The Strand Neo OS is actually from light factory which has been around for years.


I'm everyday user of Eos and have done a number shows with the Light Factory OS...


The software on the neo is a lot more powerful then eos, when it comes to effects and pixel mappings. Cue lists are about the same level.


However there are so many eos receiving houses now and programmers that the Neo has a hard fight in front of it...

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Strand lost its way....

Yeah, you could say that if you were being kind. They didnt see what was coming and did a Kodak. I liked the old 500series but many of the consoles they made were rubbish, badly thought out and designed.

As mentioned the Neo is nothing to do with Strand. It has their name on it and may be bought by some die hards who think that Strand is the the name in electronic theatre control, rather than the company who is actually called that by name.


I think it is a perfectly decent board, the software is good and the control surface is nice and its a good thing to have competition in the marketplace. They will have to have some mighty sales juju to make it work though - good luck

See this other thread about it here/




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To be fair, it isn't Strand's fault as such that they lost their way. Prior to the Genlyte acquisition in 2006, there was a pretty good successor to the 500-series in development - I saw some of the early hardware designs, and had a play with a couple of the early beta software versions, and it was shaping up to be very good. But then Genlyte came along and pulled the rug out from underneath that (and everything else that Strand were doing), and that was it. 92 years of theatre lighting history brought to a close just like that.


After that, once development ceased on the new software and some clown decided that Rosco Horizon was the best bet (it clearly wasn't!), ETC just happened to be in the right place at the right time with the right product, and here we are today with the Eos family of consoles dominating the theatrical control console market in the UK.

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Its is always very worrying, and seldom good news when a massive conglomerate does this kind of takeover. It does make me fear for the future of many of the Harman brands now that they have been bought by Samsung, who will axe anything that is not to their liking in a heartbeat.

Also, how will editorials in TPi refer to Martin fixtures now?


"The LD decided to use 36 Martin by Harman by Samsung Viper performance fixtures"

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