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Clay Paky Stage 1200 units


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Hi all,

I have a pair of Stage Zoom 1200s, and I understand the interals were modular, and you could "swap the internals" out to make it a stage color 1200?

If true, anyone have any idea where I could pick up a pair of the wash internals?





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No idea where you'll get the bits you need, but according to the brochure (first thing that came up on a Google search for Clay Paky Stage Zoom 1200) My link it looks like you basically remove the whole front end of the head and change it, so it's not just internals but the whole optics and casing as well.
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This was my understanding too - everything "north" of the lamp.....................


I read that same link too, and it was this paragraph that prompted me to ask this question here:


From Wash to Spot and vice-versa. Two specific adapter kits allow you tofit the moving body of the Stage Zoom 1200spot on the Stage Color 1200 washlight, or todo the opposite, replacing the movingbody of the Stage Zoom 1200.


So from further reading, I want to find a pair of "C61102"s

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