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Audio Technica System 10

Uncle Harvey

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I have asked this question elsewhere so apologies if somelse is asking on by behalf,

I have just started to use a 4 unit 2.4Ghz system 10 (bodypack) set up. All set up paired and working OK

The issue is when the transmitter moves outside the operation range pairing is lost (OK fair enought) the problem

seems to be when the transmitter moves outside the range for a long period e.g. the actor goes back to the dressing room

there is a failure for re connection. Does the transmitter power down or go to sleep if the Transmitter - Reciever can't "see"

for more than a few minutes.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Uncle Harvey, Did you get any response (elsewhere) to your query.


I am undecided whether to go for Audio Technica Pro 10's or Line 6 XD V75's and your problem of losing connection (dressing room) is rather critical in my choice.

Mind you I am also hearing about XD V75's "Battery cover" and "Battery drain when switched off" problems!

Decisions, decisions!!

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Mind you I am also hearing about XD V75's "Battery cover" and "Battery drain when switched off" problems!

Decisions, decisions!!

I believe the battery drain issue was related to one particular batch a couple of years ago. New ones shouldn't have that problem. Only one of my 10 has a slightly iffy battery cover; I've not looked too closely in to it but having dismantled a couple of packs recently, replacing the door would be pretty easy. I've never had a problem with packs not reconnecting when coming back in to range.

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Thanks for the replys. I have resolved the issues.

The power mute switch is very sensitive. A slight touch is all that is required to put the pack into 'Mute' rereading the instruction you can lock out the mute facility

Re connecting after the pack moves out of range is not real issue. It reconnects ok .

The range is limited 30m is recomeded. I had 20m +. line of sight is bes. It dosn't work well past a wall

Altogether seems to be OK for a small venue with limited budget where you're no going to use them often

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On the Pro 10'shop the link cables are meant to "produce a stable multichannel system". What does this mean? Could I put just two receiver pods on mic stands much nearer the stage and then those units pick up a stronger signal for the whole rack system?
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I've been looking in to the System 10's and from what I can gather (the manual isn't very clear) the connection between receivers is only there to allow them to communicate and to work out channels etc. between themselves - it isn't antenna sharing.

From what I can gather each channel still requires a receiver unit connected back to the main box via a cat5 cable. That means lots of the receiver units sat up on mic stands and lots of cat5 cables back to the rack if you want a multichannel system. When I first read it I too thought that there could just be one receiver unit going back to the rack with a single cat5 and then chaining through all the receivers - now that really would have been an attractive idea!

The above is simply my take on their manual - if anybody knows different then please do say - it's not very clear how a multi channel system works!

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