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Hi all

I'm having a little problem with multiplay.

I have been using it for a few years now and never experianced it before.

After setting up a cue list and getting everything ready. When I press go or the space bar I can count to 3 before the cue actually goes. I have tried building a different cue list but the problem is still there. I have tried it on a win 7 and win 10 laptop. Anyone had this before?


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Hi Alister, Thanks for the reply.

I have tried mp3 and WAV both the same. Must admit never tried to update the codecs. I have the k and shark packages bost served me well in the past. When I get into work tomorrow will try that.


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Thank you very much Alister.

I have fixed it.

I downloaded the latest K-Lite codec pack which sent multiplay mad. I then uninstalled K-Lite and everything works as it should.

I guess uninstalling the codecs reset them and is now well.

Once again thank you for your help.


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