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FLX zero88


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Hello, We got a FLX lighting board , which is canny but I need to get experience on programming it. But using it in the theatre is very limited time is there any free programs so I can use to gain the experience without being in the theatre !





ta Ginger x









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There is a note regarding the FLX software, though, which if you follow the link says that it has been temporarily removed.( I have an old version, from before it got removed, but it's a bit rough round the edges).


It appears that the generic phantom ZerOS doesn't cover FLX - maybe one of the Z88 guys can clarify the current situation - I know Jon did make a comment on the forum some time ago.

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Does the new software make the desk actually remotely usable and/or anything like advertised?

Hi peza201, what problems are you having? Have you contacted our tech support to get them solved? Drop me a PM or an email and we'll get it all sorted for you.

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I only had to use the desk once but I was not at all impressed.


I had no problem with older z88 stuff at all, lots of people turn their noses up at a frog but I always thought it was an okay desk for the money.


The flx on the other hand I thought was clunky, unfinished (hard buttons that did nothing apart from show "coming soon") unintuative, and just all round a bit hard work to use - and having toured theatre for 4+ years without touring a desk id like to think im at least capable driving any desk in front of me but the FLX was just hugely frustrating in a lot of ways.


Shape generation for example was a bit of a joke really - the shape button shows "coming soon" and the available fx were dissspointing and an offset encoder that just didn't work as id expect on any other desk. (Having to select individual fixtures to apply ofset independantly as apposed to offset just creating a "spread" to use avo language)


As proven by your post above you cant knock zero 88's support - it is up there with the big boys in that respect.


Its a shame because the desk has lots of potential at a really good price point, but it seems to have been rushed out of the factory.



I controlled this desk because of a phone call I got from a guy just starting out in lighting - and when he told me he had bought the flx I thought he was onto a winner as z88 have always been good with simplicity for less experienced users.


Unfortunatly when I got behind the desk I could see why he was struggling and I managed to get him a show programmed in only because im used to more complex programming which I could use to "bodge" around the failings of the flx.

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Is there an FLX specific set of documentation/manual? The help system seems to be generic, and makes reference to keys and procedures that don't exist on the FLX (e.g. the MFK below the LCD). Note, I'm running the phantom, not a real desk, but that oughtn't to make a difference.


I'm probably missing something, but I'm finding it confusing to use. I can set levels and record cues ok, but I can't work out how to jump to a cue, I.e the equivalent of Strand's Cue 9 GO or ETC GotoCue 9 Enter Also, I can't see how, if I have say Cue 5 live on stage how to go in and edit the levels of Cue 12 in blind, something which on the Strand desks and Etc desks is really straightforward (something which the crew members at our theatre always hated about Z88 desks). I can't see how to say record this state as Cue 10, not as the next cue.


I haven't even tried to patch intelligent fixtures and use those yet, just sticking to very simplistic 1-1 patch of dimmers.

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Is there an FLX specific set of documentation/manual? The help system seems to be generic, and makes reference to keys and procedures that don't exist on the FLX (e.g. the MFK below the LCD). Note, I'm running the phantom, not a real desk, but that oughtn't to make a difference.


Yea the Help system is from the Orb and not updated for the FLX. There is an early draft manual here:




I'm probably missing something, but I'm finding it confusing to use. I can set levels and record cues ok, but I can't work out how to jump to a cue, I.e the equivalent of Strand's Cue 9 GO or ETC GotoCue 9 Enter


On the real desk you hold GO and type the cue number then release GO. On Phantom you click the right mouse button on GO to lock the GO button down whilst you type the cue number, then right button again on the GO to release it, when it will jump to that cue. I don't know of an equivalent to the LOAD X of Strand Genius.


Note on FLX, any fader (on any page) can be a cue stack, when the "flash" button is the GO button. However I'm presuming here you're talking about Playback 0 which has the dedicated GO (and Pause) button.


Also, I can't see how, if I have say Cue 5 live on stage how to go in and edit the levels of Cue 12 in blind, something which on the Strand desks and Etc desks is really straightforward (something which the crew members at our theatre always hated about Z88 desks).


Go into Blind - if you have 7.9 installed then there is a Blind button at the top of the external monitor, or use Shift+Z button. The LED in the Z button will flash and the Output Window will go to a grey background. To load a different cue to the one that's live into Blind, hold GO and type the cue number. Press UPDATE to update the cue and exit blind.


If you're in the middle of a blind change and need to exit blind mode (press Z) for some reason, your changes will still be there when you go back into blind.


I can't see how to say record this state as Cue 10, not as the next cue.

<set up look> RECORD <cue number> ENTER


You can chain a NAME function on the end if you like:


<set up look> RECORD <cue number> NAME <type cue name> ENTER


If you want to fiddle with cue options, then hold RECORD down to get a pop-up to adjust record parameters or tracking behaviour (cue-only, track forwards etc).


There is an UPDATE button that works the same way as above if you come back to the cue and want to tweak it.


Any fader can be a cue stack (so 241 cue stacks). You can substitute the GO/flash button for ENTER above to record the cue to any playback. So - if you're just using the "dedicated" Playback 0, make sure the monitor is showing Playback 0 if using the ENTER syntax above, otherwise you'll "accidentally" start recording cues into another playback. The View button should help you here.


In it's simplest form, a playback is equivalent to a submaster - a cue stack with 1 cue.


I haven't even tried to patch intelligent fixtures and use those yet, just sticking to very simplistic 1-1 patch of dimmers.


Setup (hard button) -> Patch Wizard


It's easy enough but the interface is a bit horrible/it's slow to do if you want to patch different models from the same manufacturer, as you have to keep going back to the beginning of the Patch Wizard. I understand they are re-writing this.


Hope that gets you going!


It's a really powerful desk and has a heck of lot of potential, but the s/w is still quite rough. I just hope Z88 knuckle down and get it sorted before they put off too many customers.




(ps I'm nothing to do with Zero88)

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Thanks, that makes (some sort of) sense.


Part of the problem, I'm sure, is I'm thinking for a different desk. We have some "old hands" who find the Ion still catches them out because they used Strand Genius for so long, and I had problems with MagicQ until Dave Vallance walked me through it. I'm sure I'd have the same problems with any new desk, but good, accurate documentation is key.

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Seems a bad choice for the go button in blind to behave differently to the go button in live - I feel the go button should be the one button that only ever does one thing!


Completely agree - A GO should be a go regardless of anything else - that is just asking for trouble!

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