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Sirius 24 odity


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We recently got a Sirus 24 and after a lot of maintenance got it working. There is one very strange oddity. When it is first turned on a lot of the LEDS come on and it does not work. If it is then turned off and on again it is OK. If it is turned off and pn without waiting very long it is OK, its generally when it is left overnight it has to be done twice.


Can anyone shed any light on this? I know its what we do:).



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I had almost the opposite problem with a borrowed Sirius 24 I used recently. It worked fine for several hours and then suddenly went into the state you describe. Power cycling it would sometimes get it to last another few minutes and then it would fail again. Didn't have a chance for any detailed examination, we just had to get a replacement sharpish.
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Was there any corrosion from a previous leaking battery?


There may of been, I did not do it. Hr spent time cleaning and checking the boards. They guy who did it had to spend around a day getting it working. there were some broken tracks etc he soldered micro-wire to fix. too a couple of attempts to get it working.

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I would check the battery yourself - they can "short life"..


There's also a couple of vital tracks under the battery that sometimes go unnoticed when there's corrosion from leaky batteries - I've also had it before when acid has crept along the tracks below the battery, you might find there's more corrosion now.


After that I'd be looking at the power supply voltages - it's a basic linear PSU in the Sirius so nothing terribly complicated to prod but check the capacitors for bulging too whilst you're looking.

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Thanks everyone. although it has to be turned on and off before working seem to be OK. I don't want to take it to bits as if it then did not working my name would be mud. Will have ot do for now until we can get funds for something better. Its a volunteer run venue and we all have limited time and money.
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If it is battery corrosion, it will eventually eat through the tracks, so when it stops working, you will need some fine soldering to bridge the open circuit tracks with small guage insulated wire. There may be vias involved.
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However - and I loved our Sirius 24 in the old days - ignoring this fault is just asking for trouble. It will let go when you least want it to, such as in mid production!


It sounds like it is probably repairable by someone who knows what they are doing, so you should find that someone nearby and make an appointment to have the desk looked at - as soon as the current show is over at least? Bristol is not far from where Zero 88 are (or at least used to be) so that might be the first obvious phone call to make?

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Thanks. Mike Shaw is the guy we use to fix stuff and he is very well known around here and seems to have a good reputation. With a desk this age its a case of working how long/much money it is worth spending on it before we decide its not worth fixing. So far its have 2 half days spent on it. On each case it seemed to be working them shortly afterward developed another fault.


Problem is there is not mutch aptitude for spending money on lighting. We have recently gone from 12 to 24 channels but money is tight as we have spent a lot this year on a self-funded refit.


to get it working it has to be turned on, turned off and turned on again. The first time it is turned on it goes in a state where all the channel, and some other, LEDs come on and it is not responsive. Last night it was left in this odd state for a log time as the person who turned it on did not realize. It had turned on a lot of channels full and was not working. Had ot do a clear all and it seemed to work.


I am worried it is going to play up mid-show;(.



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