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Digico duplicate second monitor?

Charlie P

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Hi all! We just got a new Digico SD11 to aid in teaching so that our SD9 can stay in the theatre at all times.


It would be ideal if we could plug in a second display and have whatever is on the built in touch screen, shown on this as well. So not extending, duplicating.


This allows the students to see what is being done on the desk without all crowding around.


We've had a quick go but couldn't figure it out.


Any help would be greatly appreciated!



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Quick google of the SD11 produced the brochure and on said brochure it says it has Overview Screen out see page 15 http://www.digico.biz/downloads/pdf/brochures/SD11%202013.pdf so that would suggest that is what your looking for

Unfortunately, no. The overview screen displays information that is supplemental to the main one and is not designed to duplicate it directly. It may well be possible to make this happen though, seeing as it is only being driven by Windows and some display settings can be changed, but you would also need to know the procedure to overwrite the default settings that the board will revert to on startup.


Give DiGiCo a ring, they are very friendly and if it's possible (and they are happy for you to do it) they may be able to talk you through it, or point you in the direction of a dealer who could.

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Would it be a possibility to just point something like a GoPro camera at the onboard screen, and show the output from that on a larger flatscreen for the audience? It's obviously not as elegant, and whoever is demonstrating will need to try and keep their hands from blocking the shot, but it will work without any major headaches.


(Of course, being a touchscreen, it'll be blocked by fingers, but with the right camera angle it could work)

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Have a look at the PC software for it. Never used any of the digico software but know on the X32 there is a 'presentation' mode where the PC version mimics the desk so as you change pages etc on the console the PC updates. Digico might have something similar.



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My local Digico guy says it is possible to reconfigure the Overview screen to duplicate the internal screen by going in and messing with the video card settings - it's what they do when they do training, but:

  1. It's not a "supported" config.
  2. It'll go away next time you restart the console.
  3. You should call Digico tech support in the UK (he's in Canada) and ask them to walk you through it as there's a few things you could screw up if you pick the wrong setting.

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Would it be a possibility to just point something like a GoPro camera at the onboard screen, and show the output from that on a larger flatscreen for the audience? It's obviously not as elegant, and whoever is demonstrating will need to try and keep their hands from blocking the shot, but it will work without any major headaches.


(Of course, being a touchscreen, it'll be blocked by fingers, but with the right camera angle it could work)


You could use the mouse instead of the touchscreen to avoid this issue.


Have a look at the PC software for it. Never used any of the digico software but know on the X32 there is a 'presentation' mode where the PC version mimics the desk so as you change pages etc on the console the PC updates. Digico might have something similar.




You can certainly do that on the SD9.

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