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XLR Cables


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I'm planning on making a fair amount of XLR cables with Van Damme Tour Grade XKE and Neutrik XX connectors. I've been looking at all the parts and know exactly what I need to get except I'm slightly confused by the Neutrik BTXX (http://www.neutrik.co.uk/en-uk/xlr/xlr-cable-connector-accessories/btxx). As far as I'm aware, this tool isn't actually needed. I can't really tell what is does.. Any ideas? Especially given it costs the best part of £400.



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This machine appears to press the plastic boot into the metal shell, normally during assembly, both parts are threaded - so twisting together by hand is easy.


If you are assembling many connectors in one session, you might get sore fingers tightening them up - but Neutrik even produce a device to prevent this happening - HTXP tool - which slips over the cable and engages with the plastic boot, enabling easier rotation. You would still have to hold the metal shell tightly though.


This is also expensive - so I suspect that Neutrik haven't sold many (or any?) of these items......


I will enquire at the Neutrik stand at the forthcoming PLASA exhibition!

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This machine appears to press the plastic boot into the metal shell, normally during assembly, both parts are threaded - so twisting together by hand is easy.

Indeed - RTFM


However, I'm not sure I'd really want to subject my lovely Neutrik XLRs to this treatment:

"“Speed boot” of XLR connectors may damage the XLR boot thread.

It's usually not possible to re-open the boot without a tool after assembly."

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So I did "RTFM", and having made a fair few cables with these exact connectors I knew the boots screwed onto the housing, hence why I was slightly confused about a £400 tool that makes a cable almost unrepairable...!
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