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What Mic setup??


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im pricing up a new rig and this includes all new mics and all (incidentally its te d&b rig I talked about in my last thread).


So my question to you all is - what would you get as a mic rig?


heres what my first inclination was:


Vocals: 3 Beta 58A's + 2 SM58's for spares and extras

Electric Guitar micing: SM57's

Bass: going DI, no mics

Kick drum: AKG D112

Snare - top: Sm57

Snare under: sm57

Toms: Beta 98D/S's

Hats: Audio Technica At3031

Overheads: Sennheiser e664's


So what would you guys get for this kind of setup?

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The 3031 is similar and still current.


Couple of comments - if you use Beta58's for vocals, then I'd have beta's for the spares, otherwise when you have to swap out a beta for a non-beta they'll sound different.


I've never really been happy with a top/bottom setup for snare. If you want that very thin, tight sound then I guess it's ok - but I've always thought that the bottom sound was quite nasty - a taste thing, I suspect.


I'm a thuddy tom man too, so Sennheiser 421's are my favourite, despite being a bit chunky. Small diaphragm mics always sound a bit lacking to me, mind you plenty of people swear by them.


Miking up kits, in my opinion, is a bit personal. Everyone has their own standard. I've never ran a d&b of my own, but suspect that much of my mic choice would be down to the end sound the system can give. The d&b's that have come into my main venue had a fairly conservative drum mic selection - nothing very clever. If you're buying one, why not wait till you've got it and try some mics first before you buy?

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Guest AdamJames

3528s are good mics, but yes they have been discontinued.


I would advise getting some second hand if you can; but a few hire companies have had to go through and change the boards in ALL of them.

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Guest AdamJames

Also, somthing else I would advise is looking at other sound companies websites and see what they stock.


Stuff like SM58s are pretty standard, but condensors are more personel. Having said that ESL don't have any '58s!

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Currently I use 57's for toms which isnt ideal - but I have heard great things about the beta98 range and have heard them a couple of times.


I like the over under snare combo because it gives me a mix, I get the boomier thud off the top mic and the crunch off of the bottom. also putting some nice reverb on the bottom mic gives the snare a nice edge to it.


When I mentioned the SM's, I really meant as extras, for other vocals or whatever so I wouldnt be swapping them in for Betas.


I definately agree that kit micing is personal, I personally like a dominant kit sound so I like to have crisper toms, although the gooseneck positioning of the 98d's means you can adjust the low end pickup somewhat by positioning the mic to tailor to your tastes.



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I'd be happy to walk into a venue and see the mics you've listed available. Just a couple of comments on other mics you could consider too:


Vocals: 3 Beta 58A's + 2 SM58's for spares and extras

The Beta 57 is also an excellent vocal mic - I favour it for most female vocals in fact.


Kick drum: AKG D112

Not a big fan of 'the egg' I'm afraid - prefer a Beta 91 although the D112 is most certainly the most common kick mic around.


Snare under: sm57

I'd put in a condenser as the bottom mic - tends to provide a bit more 'sizzle' of the snares and gives you a bit more of a variation from the top mic.

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I'd be happy to walk into a venue and see the mics you've listed available. Just a couple of comments on other mics you could consider too:


Vocals: 3 Beta 58A's + 2 SM58's for spares and extras

The Beta 57 is also an excellent vocal mic - I favour it for most female vocals in fact.


Kick drum: AKG D112

Not a big fan of 'the egg' I'm afraid - prefer a Beta 91 although the D112 is most certainly the most common kick mic around.


Snare under: sm57

I'd put in a condenser as the bottom mic - tends to provide a bit more 'sizzle' of the snares and gives you a bit more of a variation from the top mic.




I especially like your third comment. what condenser would people suggest for an under snare? perhaps an e614 or another 3031?

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Agree on phase-reversing the under-snare mic if you're mixing it in with the over-snare.


I too get good results with AKG C1000's or Rode NT3's as overheads, though I prefer (when budget allows) to use AKG 414's... Nice crisp, fat sound. They do have a certain sonic "signature" though, which you'll either love or hate.


When DI'ing bass instruments, I've had good results with the Behringer MIC100 - it's sold as a cheap (£40 ish) valve mic pre, but as it also accepts line-level ins/outs, I like to use it as an active DI - the downside is that it needs 9VAC from its own adaptor, but that's not been a problem for me or the bands I've worked with.


If no-one's already noticed, I like valves (in the right application!)



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The only mic id maybe change out of that list is the d112 for an audix d6 its an awesome mic if not tho a beta 91 is a fantastic mic and the beta 98 are great mics. A lot of it is down to personnal opnion! :unsure: happy mic choosing
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I'd think about using a Beyer M88 on kick. My only caveat, once it's a kick mic, always a kick mic. The high SPL inside a kick means that the diaphram travels further, and may stretch a little (or so I've been told). I also favour them for vocals, and horn sections... very versatile mic, in my opinion. Don't know if it is as 'rider friendly' as the Shures though.
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Don't know if it is as 'rider friendly' as the Shures though.


I think U2 use an M88/Beta 91 combo, so it's certainly being used at top level gigs.

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