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MAC2000 Performance - output issue


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Hi all,

I have a pair of MAC2000s running in a show at the moment, and one of them seems somewhat lesser in output than the other - I am sure they were fine 3 shows ago, but it really stood out today. There isnt a program bug (I.e, I havent got it inadvertantely dimmed), and the lamps are both under 150hours old.

Any ideas of what I could check?


Thanks in advance.

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Have you checked the lamp alignment?

Yeah, did that when I changed the lamp



Check the 700w circuit, maybe a connector loose or the relais is not working.

Any idea where I am looking for that? I will try to find the service manual in the interim.

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OK sadly to eliminate the lamp can you swop the two of them over, is the reflector ok, difficult to see but sometimes after a lot of use the silver becomes grey. It is unlikely to be the ballast as either they work or don't. Yes they do have a dim option, (If the dim wires are unplugged the dimmer is disabled, small connector on the side of the ballast) which I think is a small relay control on the main pcb, again swopping the lamps over will eliminate where we need to look for the problem.


Good luck.




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Thanks Richard,

I will try to squeeze that in before the matinee today, else it going to have to wait till Friday :/

They are a proper pain to swap lamps in........


Yes I know, but it is process of elimination, ie: faultfinding.

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Ya I know. :/

I just find the lamp changing on those units a tad confusing - its meant to be built as a quick changing "field serviceable" operation, but I am finding anything but - the 2 brass spokes at the top make things *really* difficult.

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