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The ABTT Show

Are you Going to ABTT  

73 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you Going to ABTT

    • Yes- Plan to go Wednesday
    • Yes- Plan to go Thursday
    • Yes- Plan to go Both Days
    • Yes- Hope to do but don't know what day
    • Maybe- Don't Know?
    • No!

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Hiya all,


I know this very early and people are still getting over the AC North show, (and the though of another trade show may turn you green :P :** laughs out loud **: ) but I had a few questions about the ABTT show and thought I may as well encorperate it into a 'Who's going thread' as well! ;)


So just some questions, I have never been before I generally go to PLASA and anything local! so..


Do ABTT members get in for nothing??


How much smaller is it compared to PLASA? What is the Venue like??


Thanks for any info,



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Do ABTT members get in for nothing??



How much smaller is it compared to PLASA?

Much, much smaller


What is the Venue like??

The older hall has a nice high roof, the newer bit is well, newer.

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2 days? 1 day? Blimey after 2hrs I normally get bored and either toddle off to the BR meet, or bom it over to Canary Wharf, have lunch, then come back to the BR meet!


(Hopefully it won't be in a pub when an England game is on this time :P)



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Guest lightnix

I hope to be attending on the day of the Blue Room meet and I, too, have struggled many times to fill a whole day just by walking around the exhibits.


Get there early, look around in the morning, pick up a load of product info (most of which will remain largely unread until you finally throw it away in two years time), grab as much free swag as possible, hook up with some old faces around lunchtime and then spend the afternoon in the pub - the perfect day :P

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I'd agree with opinions posted thus far - unless you get into several very deep conversations with various manufacturers/suppliers, you'll struggle to find enough in the two halls to fill a whole day. But having said that, I do prefer ABTT to PLASA - the atmosphere is so much better, and you can actually talk to people.


Re. the BR meet - if we're going to have one, let's try and make a bit more of an effort with it this time! Last year's was, frankly, pathetic - a very small handful of us, some of whom disappeared after a very short time to another 'do' (which was presumably being held somewhere that wasn't full of annoying shouty soccer fans, and was therefore by default infinitely prefeerrable to where we were :** laughs out loud **:). Still, I had a nice chat with Stu, so it wasn't a complete washout! :P

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yes well, it use to be very easy to spend all day at the ABTT when it was at Riverside when it had a decent barwith proper beer. My best record (as far as I can recall) was 20 mins "doing the leaflet collection" after spending 5 hours in the bar. I'm a bit more sedate these days.


I usually go both days, but only for a few hours each day. I prefer it to PLASA because I'm a theatre technician, so it's focussed more on my specific area of operation, but there's a lot of useful peripheral stuff at PLASA which ABTT can't cover.

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Can anybody recommend a good place to park on the edge of the underground somewhere, off the M1 direction?


Now I no longer qualify for a lovely young-persons railcard I can't believe the train fare from Rugby to London is £79. Well, actually I can believe it. Anyway, thinking about driving down instead...



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I hope to be attending on the day of the Blue Room meet and I, too, have struggled many times to fill a whole day just by walking around the exhibits. 


Get there early, look around in the morning, pick up a load of product info (most of which will remain largely unread until you finally throw it away in two years time), grab as much free swag as possible, hook up with some old faces around lunchtime and then spend the afternoon in the pub - the perfect day :P


Have to say ditto. although the last couple of years I've ended up walking into Frank Wood, does he count as an old face?


(Though you can normally tell if he is round the next corner by the mild odour of hamlet cigars)



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I can't believe the train fare from Rugby to London is £79. Well, actually I can believe it.

:unsure: Are you sure about that? My return fare from North Wales is only about £55, and that goes via Rugby!!

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:unsure: Are you sure about that? My return fare from North Wales is only about £55, and that goes via Rugby!!


The problem is to spend any more than a couple of hours in London I have to travel on the peak-time commuter trains, on which they don't sell the cheap advance-purchase tickets so it's full price or nothing. £79 open return, standard class.


To get the cheapest way I have to get a local train to Northampton, then a local train into Euston. Takes twice as long and still can't travel at peak-time so only get about 2 hours in London before I have to turn-around and come back.


Anglia Railways can beat that! £69 for a journey of only 116 miles


Rugby - London is only about 88 miles.

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Can anybody recommend a good place to park on the edge of the underground somewhere, off the M1 direction?


Now I no longer qualify for a lovely young-persons railcard I can't believe the train fare from Rugby to London is £79. Well, actually I can believe it.  Anyway, thinking about driving down instead...




There's a fantastically gib car park just off the M1, probably the wrolds largest car park and very cheap to park there... in fact for most users its free - I think they call it the M25... where else in London can you park all day for a quid?? hehe!

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