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Strand PL3 psu failures


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Hi All


Has anyone known of any batch issues with PSU modules for the Strand PL3 units?


We've just had three of our stock suddenly stop powering up in the last 10 days; the units are about 4 years old and get a fairly hefty workload in a venue operating 300+ days a year.

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Where the failed units all in the same venue ? if so I would suggest something site specific.


Over or under voltage, perhaps caused by a lost neutral ? Low frequency from a standby generator ? Overheating caused by failure of air conditioning or heating turned on by mistake ? Voltage spike from some large new inductive load, anyone been doing any arc welding recently.




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All units in the same space; they've been run from ETC Sensor non-dims powered through the ION so powered up for an almighty amount of time since purchase.


Two units went at once on the same bar and then a third yesterday on a different bar.

No obvious issues with voltage to the building and no workies onsite doing daft things with heavy loads from the installation power.


TBH, I think the PSU's have just hit their lifespan and died.

With another 9 left in the rig, I'm waiting on costs for repair/replacement of the PSU modules to see if it's fix or bin the dead ones and start replacing with some wash heads given the amount of lifespan potentially left in the LED engine...

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Perhaps not coincidentally - the last fortnight has of course been rather warm in the west of Scotland. I work in Glasgow, and we have seen a noticeable increase in "routine failures" of network infrastructure equipment that has been running for years.
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