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Projected Backdrops


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In a few months time we are doing a production of WWRY. We are planning on using projected backgrounds to enhance the imagery on stage instead of physical sets. Currently the back wall of the stage is painted a dark blue. We are using a Christie LK2100 projector, and in the past we have been able to project onto the blue wall, but the images are always dull and with a blue tinge.


I was thinking that If I painted a section of the rear wall white to project onto that should make the projections better, but then I started wondering how it would affect the blackouts, because I assume it would stick out like a sore thumb?


Has anyone had any experience with this?


Any thoughts would be very helpful!



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Will it be a 'true' black out?


At the school I work in, they tend to favour 'blue' out, meaning the 'black' square is less apparent.


To completely black out the projector, others will be along soon to discuss mechanical shutters :)

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Will it be a 'true' black out?


At the school I work in, they tend to favour 'blue' out, meaning the 'black' square is less apparent.


To completely black out the projector, others will be along soon to discuss mechanical shutters :)


Sorry, I didnt explain myself properly. We have mechanical shutters on the projector, but I was wondering more about the white wall on the stage affecting how dark the stage will be if that makes sense?



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Whilst it's likely that you'll get some ambient light in a full blackout, from emergency lights etc, and those may well cause some reflection from any white surfaces on stage, it's probably not going to be a huge issue I'd say. Think about it - the only reason white looks brighter than darker colours is BECAUSE it reflects light back. If there isn't any light falling on your white square then in theory there's nothing to bounce back and it shouldn't be as much of a problem as you think.


But if you're concerned, then do an experiment - buy or get hold of a white bedsheet and hang it on stage and turn everything off - see what you see.




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The cyc at my venue is white - for WWRY we did exactly as you are thinking. The white cyc wasn't a problem at all, and that's with using a DLP projector projecting black (no mechanical shutter). I'd say go for it, you'll be fine!
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Sorry, I didnt explain myself properly. We have mechanical shutters on the projector, but I was wondering more about the white wall on the stage affecting how dark the stage will be if that makes sense?





I sincerely hope that the trend towards blue outs goes away. There's nothing wrong with an almost blackout to enable scene changes but I've noticed it's starting to be 'the norm' and is patently silly!

Any particular reason? I'm a bit on the fence. Personally I thought our last couple of productions were a little too bright in the blue out. However, I think a very deep blue, almost UV blacklight, would be acceptable.

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