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Bar soundsystem help


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I'm in the middle of expanding our 250 cap venue in London. We're developing the basement into another downstairs area.

It'll be about 200 capacity and a nice big L shape setup.


I'm wanting to future proof it incase I end up putting DJs on down there and even perhaps the odd acoustic/small gig one.

I'm thinking about buying about 3 or 4 pairs of Martin Audio Em56's and then maybe building a couple of bass bins into the booth seating down the side of one of the walls.


If anyone has any advice it would be massively appreciated!



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Sadly, I doubt our members will be much use, as we are more into theatre and events type music. We don't do DJ topics at all, so I suspect a music system for a bar. If you put in a stage, have bands and was that kind of PA system - it's for us.
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I'd say you want to pony up some money and get an acoustic consultant in to take a look at the space in person and make some recommendations. You might for example need to/ want to put in acoustic treatment, to appease neighbours and minimise sound leakage, or to make the room sound better, or...?


Bit hard to know without seeing the space :)

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There's a guy in London who does custom builds and would be worth having a chat with. His name is Ben Wells of Elements Audio www.elements-audio.com

Please note I have no affiliation with Elements nor have bought any products from them to date. From what I've seen pictured on line though and reading reports about the work they do,

I would contact them first for any custom built speakers.



Abbey Audio






I'm in the middle of expanding our 250 cap venue in London. We're developing the basement into another downstairs area.

It'll be about 200 capacity and a nice big L shape setup.


I'm wanting to future proof it incase I end up putting DJs on down there and even perhaps the odd acoustic/small gig one.

I'm thinking about buying about 3 or 4 pairs of Martin Audio Em56's and then maybe building a couple of bass bins into the booth seating down the side of one of the walls.


If anyone has any advice it would be massively appreciated!



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If anyone has any advice it would be massively appreciated!


Invite two or three installation contractors to recommend their proposed solution & give you costings. They may well also come up with ideas you hadn't considered, such as matrixing, so you can route program material from different areas to a variety of outputs. In your position, I wouldn't be worrying about makes or models of individual components... focus on the bigger picture.






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