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chinese led wash mover patch issues


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Hey Everyone.


So my boss (in his infinite wisdom) has brought some mini led wash movers from china. They are only for a little studio and to be honest are more than good enough for what we need in there.


They are led rgbwa wash movers. They have a 10 Channel or 15 channel mode.


The problem is that cannot get them patched in to the desk. We have an etc ion. The lamps dont have a make or model obviously. He has brought some fixed ones before and I just used a generic irgbwa profile that worked fine as expected. As these are movers, none of the generic ones work and I have been through the entire list of manufacturers and models and tried any that were anywhere near but not of them match at all.


Ive never had to do anything like write profiles before Is that what I'm going to have to do? I've only ever just patched things in based on there make and model or used the generic patches for led's.


Help?...... ** laughs out loud **



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You'll have to get a custom profile made up. Others will be more familiar with the process for ECT desks than I am, but it shouldn't be an insurmountable problem.


Did the movers come with a list of what each DMX channel does? Or can you work that out using generic channels to experiment? That's your starting point.

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Hey, thanks for the quick reply.


Ive just been googling about how to create a custom fixture on the etc ion and it does seem to be hopefully straightforward enough. Ive found a youtube video so im gonna take that in with me tomorrow and giv eit a go.

Yes there is a list of what each channel does so fingers crossed I can make it work one way or another..


You'll have to get a custom profile made up. Others will be more familiar with the process for ECT desks than I am, but it shouldn't be an insurmountable problem.


Did the movers come with a list of what each DMX channel does? Or can you work that out using generic channels to experiment? That's your starting point.




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Oh deep joy. You may well find that there is a profile because the Chinese dont invent something from scratch, they copy another product, and that product is probably a known quantity with a desk profile. You'll have to find out which one though! For instance I had the pleasure of using some Pearl River spots last year and was told that I could use Mac 3 personality on them and they would work.
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Actually, they don't bother any longer and just build one for the feature set the product has. There are often similarities, but they are now not simply copying existing products - no need to. They also don't match the features on a single parameter. so the ranges don't have the same features - things like gobo rotation and speed. Gobo may well be on the same channel, but behave differently. Personally, the time to track down a matching fixture library, then edit it often takes more time that building one from scratch.
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Without wanting to derail the thread into another Chinese/clone discussion, speaking from the point-of-view of someone writing libraries for approximately 1000 new fixtures a year, there is no absolute rule.


For sure there are Chinese companies that are producing what appear to be original fixtures but there are most definitely still a very large number of fixtures that are straight up copies (identical channels and functions) and some that are somewhere in the middle - certainly copies but with tiny differences in the function ranges. The most common example of the latter are all the Clay Paky Sharpy clones ('Beam 200' etc). These are always 16/20 channel (just like Clay Paky) but have variances in the colour and shutter ranges.

One of the interesting patterns is where fixtures are cloned the charts are too, usually cut/pasted and quite obviously in a different font and style to the rest of the 'manual' and, if you see a lot of them, clearly in the style of a particular original manufacturer (for example Clay Paky and Robe have quite distinct ways of writing their charts).


Sadly the picture I see is that the majority still fall into the copy bracket. Manufacturer's producing original products are very much in the minority. I would agree though that it is often quicker to write a new one from scratch than it is to cross-reference everything. Depends how many channels!

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