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Budget IEM

will the mix

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Hi all,

On one of the bands I work with, I would like to get them started on in ear monitoring, as I think it will help improve the productivity at their practices and hopefully help their accuracy - partly inspired by another band I know switching; they sound like a different band it has improved their playing and singing so much!

We use a Behringer X32/2x S16 setup so I don't anticipate any problems with mixing them. I was wondering if anyone has any recommendations for how to get the signal actually to the ears - I have seen a small box that looks a bit like a Tecpro belt pack, with an XLR input one end and a headphone output the other, but I can't find them anywhere as I don't seem to be able to nail what they are actually called.... Would this be the best solution or would using a headphone amplifier and extension cables we worth looking at? The main thing is, I don't want to spend too much on it before we know whether it works or not, and something that would work as a low cost solution for practices in the long term would be good as we would never be able to afford our own wireless systems, or not decent ones anyway.

Also any recommendations on decent earpieces for this - like a reasonable sound at not too much cash - would be gratefully received.


Thanks in advance for your help.



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You need either Fischer amps mini body packs, along with a headphone amp to provide signal, as the mini body packs do not contain an amplifier:






This is what we use with our band. The advantage is no batteries.


or the Behringer belt packs




For earphones, the Shure SE215 are an acceptable choice and what we use. I'm in the middle east and the market is more limited, so you might find a better option.

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