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Suggestions on new LED Wash



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From personal experience, using the B-Eye's, yes they can be used as a wash, but you may not like it. The B-Eye optic isn't really very appealing to look at washing a floor, you just see a lot of squares which is what the lens is. Great as an FX unit, but less so as a wash. K20 is a great wash, without the B-Eye part. If you want multifunction, then it may be an option, but definitely take a look at it in the flesh.


There have been some other really good products mentioned above too. Have a proper shootout, that will be far more informative for you than an internet thread.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The main problem here is that the local CP dealer doesn't have demo units.

I got to see K20CC Wash in action. It was pretty OK, except the dimmer is little jumpy in the beginning. Maybe it was the issue of the console (ADB Freedom). But it got really good uniform wash across the stage.

Another rental company showed me the K10 B-Eye Easy. What was also OK. I didn't have the option to test it with a console. We had to use the units menu for that so no good idea about the dimmer, I guess it's the same as K20 Wash. On very tight spot the squares were showing but when it was wash then it wasn't so bad.


I will go and have a look at Robe 800 and 1000 units. I would like to do a side by side comparison but no way of doing that. Robe is cheaper and has more options.



The theatre that bought the K20 CC Wash. Told me that he choosed mainly because they CP is really reliable and has less issues than Robe.

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Au contraire! Having toured extensively with robe robin led 300's, 600's and 1200's, and cp b-eye k20's the robe is much much much more reliable I'm my experience. The only issues with the robe units have been cable glands on the power cable (rough handling), the tilt belt on the 1200's getting chewed up (mostly when the optical sensor gets dirty and it can't find its position locator) and some of the batteries on the units displays failing. The b-eyes on the other hand need much more love and attention. The common rotational position error can be so many things, if any of the pillars the lens slides out on get even slightly out of line it gets upset, the adjustment of the oval shaped lens holders are a very dark art. It suffers from the same board online / offline errors that the alpha range have, with the multipin connectors behind the display panel needing reseating. On the vaccines uk tour I had 24 robe 600's which all behaved perfectly, and 7 b-eyes (plus one spare) which were a daily issue, often only managing to have 6 working. The b-eyes came from dry hire lighting, who maintain their kit to a very high standard


And another thing - make sure the lens on the b-eyes are fully retracted before putting them into a flightcase, or they will get damaged. Even if the flightcase is designed so it can be transported with the lens in any position....

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It's also worth considering the Mac Quantum Wash. I've seen them in use at the NT as well as other places (although I've not used them yet myself), and they seemed like a great upgrade from the Aura etc.


Seconding for Quantum Washes, they are great. - OP would say for pop in for a demo, but you appear to be in Estonia!

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So got to see Robe Robin 800 LedWash and Robin 1000 LedBeam. Robin 800 has a beam like a fresnel light with very soft edge (still has the halo problem). I don't think the halo is any worse than tungsten 2kw fresnel we have now. It has a rotatable beam shaper option witch can come in handy. Only problem is that you have to change to beam shaper lens to get that. LED unit cooling fan was almost always on but I didn't hear it working at all. Robin1000 cycles the fan more, but when it started I could hear that very clearly


Robin1000 has a beam like PC has with more defined edge. Zoom range is very impressive. It's very big compared to Robin 800 and also heavier. It looks like it doesn't have the halo problem. Fan noise is grater than Robin 800


I would classify Robin800 as a Fresnel alternative and Robin1000 a PC alternative.


At the moment I'm leaning towards the Robin800, the beam shaper can come in handy in theatre.




I will get the Martin prices and compare.

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  • 3 months later...
Well, I have narrowed it down to Robe 800 Ledwash or DL4F Wash. And now I need little of your help. I know how 800 wash operates (having used 600 and demod 800) but I can't get my hand on DL4F Wash unit, because there aren't any in our country. Does anyone have had a chance to compare/use these both?
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