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JTE Pixelline 1044 vs. ChomaBank MK II


What would you choose: Pixelline 1044 or ChomaBank MK II  

17 members have voted

  1. 1. What would you choose: Pixelline 1044 or ChomaBank MK II

    • Pixelline 1044
    • ChromaBank MK II
    • Other

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Hi all,


Just wondered which you would go for. Am finding it very hard to get info on the ChromaBanks becuase the Pulsar Website is very unhelpful.


Do you know how bright the ChromaBanks are?


Have people had good results using them for cyc lighting?


Many Thanks,



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I think what ThaiLD is trying to say is that it doesn't have an asymmetric reflector (actually, they don't have a reflector at all...), so you can't get a decent throw 'down' a cyc.


Anyway, from what I have seen of pixellines, you don't really get enough light out of them to use them for cyc lighting. They also prove a very expensive way of lighting a cyc, unless you absolutely needed full colour mixing.

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sorry... my technical terminology stuff is kinda non-existent...:S thanks for the help in getting my ideas across... :blink:

never tried LEDs to light cycs only ever done RGB color mixing using scoops with the 'assymetric' lenses and it didn't work very well... :o but thats just one experience... and the first time I actually had a cyc (no one in thailand seems to want to buy one...)

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You can get a 20º (Horizontal) x 90º (Vetical) lense for the ChromaBank Mk IIs - this may help in the illumination of the cyc.


Have you tried this URL?


The JTE Pixelines have the same sort of thing going on, but this time with a film - see here. The JTE stuff has the advantage for me as you just give it juice and DMX - none of this ChromaZone melarky!


Hope this helps.


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Yep, thats deffinetly a plus, is it the JTE stuff that has a 16a thru conector as well or is that something else. Just learning about LED technology but is it possible to find out a brightness for the fixtures, I am guessing that it would change a bit for each colour.



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The JTE stuff has the advantage for me as you just give it juice and DMX - none of this ChromaZone melarky!


The ChromaBanks have the ChromaZone built in so you just feed the unit with power and DMX just like the Pixellines. Both units also have feed through connectors for both power and DMX, so you can daisy chain them.


The main choice between the two is whether you prefer square or round pixels.

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An LED batten is not really the right tool for lighting a whole cyc and is quite an expensive way of doing it. If you want colour mixing I would look at Supercyc's, city colours / mini city colours or the PALCO floods if you must have LED.
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The best way to light a cyc is to use a bounce cloth behind a gauze. Combine over-head battens and groundrows in some senisible colours and you give yourself a huge range of colour mixing possibilities. Go see Lion King to see these techniques used very well.
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Here's a product that has yet to be mentioned, JTE 110 batten.


This product uses 1watt leds instead of the smaller indicator LED's as well as introducing amber LED's into the game so you get loads more colours as you are now using red,blue,green and amber, this lets you adjust hue's amongst others.


I have some photo's of these being used to light a cyc in the round if you would like them.


Ian kirby

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