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Is LED replacing Projection


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Led is nowhere near replaceing projection at the lower end based on cost, in a standard church situation even if it was affordable, a big led wall just wouldnt fit with the aesthetic in most cases as its a massive lump of engineering and wheras a screen can be retractable or removable simply, the same isnt true of led. on a cost basis, cheap led is still several thousand per m2 once installed so projection where a 3m screen and a 5k + wxga projector is under 500 per m2...


Led is a totally different thing to projection and both have strengths and weaknesses. led is cheaper than its ever been and as such is no longer a premium product therefor you see it more often and its to a certain extent the flavour of the month at corporate events, but in many ways thats because a whole load of event companies have invested in say a 25m2 system and are pushing it onto everything whereas before it would have been set and projection.

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