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DMX Y lead


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What would happen if I was to make a DMX Y lead so I could run two DMX desks into our dimmer rack. I want to do this so that when onstage a lighting rigger can control lighting easier instead of having to run to the other end of the hall to do it.


Would this cause any problems if I can 2 DMX values from 2 different desks on the same channel sending through at once or would it just blow it up ** laughs out loud **.





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Wouldn't work. Do you know how DMX works?

A desk sends each value one at a time, in order. E.g 1@full; 2@full; 3@off; 4@58;.....511@off; 512@off. It's a linear stream of data. You can't just plug 2 desks into one dimmer and have it work. Does one desk have a DMX input that it merges to the output? This could work. Or get a DMX merger, which looks at the two data streams and adds them to make one data stream.

Can't you just disconnect the data at the dimmer rack from the board, and connect the riggers remote? Or make a switchbox (printer ones aparantly work well). Or buy a switchbox, for that matter.

A 'Y' lead may work, but only if one desk is off. According to the DMX standard, it shouldn't, though. It would be the equivilent of a passive split, which is also a no-no.

Do a ;) for more info about how DMX works sometime, if you don't know. It's good to understand the basic principles behind the technology you're working with.



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Hi Daniel,


As David says, the use of DMX Y Splits is a definate no no. You can get all sorts of nasty unpleastness and flickering and odds and sods going on.


The best bet is a switch over box (DMX mergers are fairly pricey and you could use that cash for new toys!)


A very good publication for lampies, is : "Recommended Practice for DMX 512" From the LSI website. It's a whopping £ 3.50 Follow the link below.


Recommended Practice For DMX 512 - A guide for users and installers By Adam Bennette



Best Wishes,


F - Wyg

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Oh dear, here we go again!  For splits a Y lead MAY work.

In this case it may not work also, if I read correctly, dfinn wants to merge and not to split (read the Y for top to bottom) and this has few chances to work. However I had the same problem some time ago and the solution was to plug either one console to the dimmer or the other depending on where I was (stage or front house).

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Oh dear, here we go again!  For splits a Y lead MAY work.  I have done it and it does in my circumstances.  YMMV.  I wouldn't try combining though!


Try searching the BR for "DMX +Split" Top post in the results.

The situation in question here is different, though, Andrew. The OP wasn't looking at splittng a DMX signal, but merging two of them - i.e. plugging two consoles into one rack. You're right to say that splitting one output into two might, just might work sometimes, but attempting to passively merge two outputs into one is a definite non-starter.


Re. the suggestion of printer A-B switch boxes - I've also heard that these will do the job if you need a manual DMX switcher on the cheap. Never tried it personally, though.

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Re. the suggestion of printer A-B switch boxes - I've also heard that these will do the job if you need a manual DMX switcher on the cheap. Never tried it personally, though.


We keep DMX A-B switches in stock, contact me off list if you want any more information

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Thanks, The only reason I asked is that you dont have to keep plugging and unplugging the DMX and swapping it over to get the desk you want to work.


Now I think its easier to do it that way instead of buying switching stuff.


Thanks for the help



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Many desks have a "DMX-IN" connector, which you can merge or patch into the output, or map onto a submaster and hence to the output.


Even some relatively simple desks (Strand GSX, for example) have this feature. You wouldn't have to buy anything then, except perhaps a DMX cable.


Have a look at your desk(s) / remotes and see if one has a DMX-IN, and then look in the manual so find out how it works.


There is no chance of a passive DMX merge (Y cable) ever working. Think about it, the two "inputs" will not be in sync, and the electrical sum of the two would result in a corrupt DMX signal.



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