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Laserworld CS-1000RGB v laserword cs-1000rgb MK2


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Looking to get two Laserworld CS-1000RGB LASERS .....

Whilst there are a very small number of guys on here who may have experience with lasers, this is predominantly a theatre based forum - you will be better served by asking your question somewhere more appropriate such as the photonlexicon forum (Think I spelled that right...)
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The difference between the CS-1000RGB and the CS-1000RGB MKII is that the MKII has more power, especially in green. This significantly increases visibility. It also has a trim pot for adjusting the projection size. The housing is significantly smaller and the mounting bracket has been modified to allow for easy tripod mounting.

Here you can see the details on the new model, especially check the technical details:

Laserworld CS-1000RGB MKII


By the way: Lasers and theatre go together very well - many theaters use lasers for effects that cannot be generated with conventional lighting.

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