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Mac 250 wash - light sensor.


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You can't bypass the sensor as its a light-to-frequency transducer, but if you short out the relay then the lamp will light. The unit might then think that the lamp has burst and therefore prevent all head motion. The way round that is to turn off auto lamp on and never give it a lamp on command. The processor won't expect to see any light but the lamp will be lit. IMPORTANT - check that the head fans run though. I think they run all the time on a 250 whereas on a 550 etc they vary depending on whether the lamp is lit. If they don't then you will potentially end up with a lot of heat damage. Mmm check that BEFORE shorting out the relay!



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The lamp actually strikes. The light sensor has been removed and lost. But then after 30 sec the unit says hot. So would shorting out the relay still trick it?


PS whereabout is the relay. Not got a unit in front of me at mo.



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The "hot" message just means that the unit thinks the lamp is too hot to strike. The relay is at the top left of the control board in one of the sidearms. I think the mains connections to it are on a couple of fast-ons so with a bit of imagination you should be able to link them together.


What I said about checking the fans still stands

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