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Behringer x 32 advice


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Hey guys I need some help routing an output from my Behringer x32 (producer) to a single fader to use as a master for my Subs


Tried using Mixbus but I can only control the level of the output when channel is selected.


Is there anything I could do to make this output controllable from one fader where I wouldn't have to select the channels they affect individually.


Surely there must be a way to do this...


Im a lampie so cut me some slack http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif



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Could you explain in more detail exactly what you're trying to do? Are you sending selected channels to a separate sub mix (which bus?) or tapping off the main mix? Internal crossover or external?
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I'm not quite sure what the OP is asking because of the language used. If you are just looking to separately control all low frequency signals going to subs then, although there are half a dozen ways of doing it, using a matrix is your best option. that way you can also put a crossover filter on your outs if needed.

drew brashler has a youtube video on the subject and behringer have a youtube webinar ...plenty of information to get you sorted.




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Yeah. I used matrices with my last band. Feed each matrix your L/R signal then output each one separately to your tops/subs etc. I had matrix 1/2 FOH tops, 3/4 satellite speakers and 5 subs on outputs 1-5. As S&L says, you can apply crossovers there, too.
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