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What mic to use in a studio?


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This is for a high school studio that has a limited budget. I am looking at putting in 2 shotgun mics or some type of condenser mic from above instead of using the lav mics. This is for when we do our broadcasts and any other type of interview or project. This way we don't have to spend time hiding the cable and making sure everything is set properly which can some times take up to 5 minutes or more when using a lav. What mic can be suggested for around the $300 mark a mic. I have been looking at the Rode Microphones NT3 Hypercardioid Condenser Microphone found at this link. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0002PSCQW/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_S_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=1JK1WA1PPAW13&coliid=ITVLRD7FRH8U4

What are your suggestions on this? Thanks.


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...and how are the acoustics of the room?


If you're worried about how long it takes to put on a couple of lavs (and I spent my life doing that on thousands of people and never worried about the time) then I assume you want the mic out of shot. If so, even with a shotgun you're going to get a bit of a hollow room ambience unless your space is really dead.


Oh, and will people be standing, seated in easy chairs or at a desk? Again this can affect the best way to mic up.

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