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Windows 10 and Chamsys MagicQ PC


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I have upgraded from windows 8.1 to windows 10 and have found out that windows 10 does not let programs like MagicQ PC store anything the programs folder.


If anyone is looking for the files of chamsys ie show files or head files they will be here


C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\ChamSys Ltd\MagicQ PC\show


Other software also stores files in C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\


Hope some find this useful

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That's been in windows for a long time - you needed to have local admin rights to write to the program folder. It sounds like it's been tightened up. Makes sense, even if it sems a bit of a faff..


This was the same in Windows 7 and 8, unless you turned off UAC things couldn't write to the Program Files folder... however the difference is that in 10 they have changed UAC so that if you turn it to "Off" it doesn't actually turn it off. You have to hack the registry to turn it off completely and then a lot of native windows apps like Edge, calculator etc don't work.

But useful info, I didn't know about the "virtualstore" folder

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Possibly you are running as a local admin (which most people running as a single user often are) so you can get away with that in W7. In a corporate install, where you aren't normally a local admin, you wouldn't be able to write arbitrary files to the Program Files and Program Files (x86) tree. Similar to how, on Linux you normally have to run magicQ as root or a root equivalent user because it needs some privileged access.
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If UAC is on, you may think files are being written/updates in the Program Files folder, but the 'live' copy is in the VirtualStore. As VirtualStore is in the User's folder, the fun and games start when another user runs a program which stores data in the Program Files folder.
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  • 3 weeks later...

There are a couple of things here based on my experience with this so far.


I upgraded from Windows 7 Pro 32-bit and tried to run MagicQ ( which was already installed. This appeared to work inasmuch as the program launched, but I was unable to save anything (even launching as administrator). It also turned out that I couldn't drive any fixtures, the USB/DMX dongle seemed to get initialised at program start but nothing happened at all out in the big DMX world. Fortunately I had a backup image of W7 so was able to revert and all is once again well.


I upgraded a Windows 7 Pro 64-bit and did a clean install of (provided to get a copy of the latest Src 4 Lustre 2 heads file), and this didn't work at all. It fails with "MQQT has stopped working". No-one has yet been able help. I have logged a call and am awaiting progress.


Currently I would stick with whatever you have, as there are certainly some issues.



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Hi All,


I've upgraded both Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 machines in the office here to Windows 10 with MagicQ already installed and not had issues with MagicQ running after the install, although I was running current Beta versions at the time and not the Stable v1.6.6.8.

We are just about to release a new stable v1.7.0.0 shortly, which will replace the current stable v1.6.6.8 was has been out since before Windows 10 was officially released.



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