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NDJ Datamoon


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If the DMX is on TRS jacks then remove the DMX IN jack and it should enter stand alone mode immediately, If there is a jack in the DMX OUT then it should output some signals for it's pattern setting.


If it's a XLR DMX input I think it goes into stand alone mode if the socket is empty or there is no real DMX.


There were a few models, maybe you will have to play a while.


I had several, lamp life or the lack of it, was their main down point, They really benefit from long life lamps, and secure fastening to architectural support.


With their age, (IIRC they won a PLASA award in 1986!) they will need cleaning and maybe more.

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The default stand alone form IS sound to light. Sometimes the microphone fails killing the S-L format. Does anything respond to DMX? It should be a part used four channel personality, usually X,Y,colour, gobo but only two are needed (IIRC X and Colour ??) for dish rotation, and gobo (which has colours attached.)


Connections Tip data+

Ring Data -

Sleeve screen.

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