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L'Acoustics 12XTs as monitors


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Hi all.


We've recently had a PA upgrade. ARCS WIFO and 6 x SB18i powered by LA8 and LA4Xs. FOH system sounds absolutely awesome. Such an improvement over our 10+ year old Turbo.


We also got hold of some refurbished 12XTs which we're using as wedges.


Question is: has anyone got experience of using them as wedges and can you recommend a preset to use from L'Acoustics Network Manager to get the most level from them before feeding? If I've looked properly, I've only seen the monitor and fill preset for them and the monitor one isn't working out too well.


To go into more detail: we had these EV TX-1122M things before that were, comparatively, astounding for their price. In four years, I never had an occasion where I couldn't get enough level out of them even for the quietest singers. With the 12XTs I'm struggling to get enough for all but the most boisterous singers with good technique. I'm also finding I have to send a great deal more from the Vi1 to equal a "standard" level that we had with the EVs (send at 0 to +4ish, rather than -12ish for example) I have spent a good six hours with someone trying to ring them out to the best of our abilities using very specific frequencies on the EQ on the DSP combined with small touches on the Vi1 EQ but ended up in that familiar situation of "may aswell have left it flat and turned it down". Been doing live sound for about ten years so I don't think it's a lack of experience in these matters, perhaps just some missing knowledge on the boxes?


They're in passive mode, each run from a single channel on an LA4X.


Any ideas?

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Have you tried running it passively from a la8 as a test? From memory each channel of the la4x is not as powerful as the la8. Not sure how much difference it'll make. I'm sure l'acoustics would also note the output of each amp on the 12xt so maybe you can check the manual or presets pdf.


The 12xts do get really loud though. I usually on run them passively but always from an la8.


Hope that helps a little.

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Have you tried running it passively from a la8 as a test? From memory each channel of the la4x is not as powerful as the la8. Not sure how much difference it'll make. I'm sure l'acoustics would also note the output of each amp on the 12xt so maybe you can check the manual or presets pdf.


The 12xts do get really loud though. I usually on run them passively but always from an la8.


Hope that helps a little.


Thanks for your reply Jonathan. It's not their amplitude that's the problem but the extent of frequencies I have to cut out of them to get even close to enough level for singers. Even then, it's only JUST about enough and the gigs so far have been tentative to say the least!


It's probably worth trying them through the LA8 as an experiment. But our venue are very unlikely to fork out for another of those right now and we need the one we have for the main PA!

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I likewise haven't had issues with 12xt in the monitor preset (it takes the half space loading into account). With either B58 or SM58 mics. What is the room like? The EV TourX you had I have always found to be a bit too bright for my liking and this could lead to you perceiving a higher volume from them. Have you tried using a parametric instead of a graphic to shape the tone of the box a little before cutting any specific frequencies?



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That's a good idea Josh. I'll give it a go. What is surprising though is the extra amount of send I have to give them compared to the EVs to get a similar output. It's not just the brightness. These are way brighter than our EVs which were all old and gunged up. But loud!
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Sounds like the difference in input voltage gain to me. The 12xt are a very different box to the EV, they are loud and clear but like the majority if L'Acoustics systems they are not sharp and bitey but clear and defined.


You might be on to something there. The EVs were powered by RCF HC2000s which I can't find a figure for voltage or amplification gain for. I know the LA4Xs are set to 32dB. Does anybody know the equivalent for the HC2000s? That would at least clear up the issue with the disparity in send level.

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