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New Compact P.A need some thoughts


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Hey all, long time no post....


Anyway, I have been living in Greece for the past 5 years and I have been gigging here for all of those seasons. I am coming home to the UK in October to do some work and I am also in the market for a new P.A.. I'll try to be as comprehensive as I can...


I currently use a NEXO PS10 system, which I love, but the set up and break down time, along with the amp box etc is getting a bit dreary, so I want to downsize to powered speakers. I thought a budget of 3500quid.


I have been quite interested in the YAMAHA DSR 12x2 and 1 DSR 118.. I have been doing tons of reading and these seem to be getting great reviews. And since NEXO has been bought by YAMAHA and NEXO supossedly did something with these speakers -I don't know what exactly, I thought they might just be the thing I am looking for.. However, because I live on an island in Greece you can;t just pop up to Bristol to have a listen or an A/B.. Anything you buy pretty much is a pig in a poke unless you want to take two ferry trips and a ride to Athens only to be told they don't stock what you are looking for.. So...


It looked for a time that my NEXO Amp was going to need servicing and if that was the case it would have been gone for a month or more... GREECE- ATHENs-- it's how it is.. So, I thought that I was going to need to buy a new system, which was going to be a punt on the YAMAHA's.. However, when push came to shove I was really unsure if I was doing the right thing, but I couldn't stop gigging as we only have a 5 month season. Anyway it turned out the amp was OK and I didn't have to buy then and there.. But this got me thinking..


I'm playing outside gigs in Hotels of 150-200 people or large Pub size venues and the PS10's have never let me down.. If Nexo made powered speakers I would not even be posting.. The thing is I could not bear buying something and it not sounding as good as what I have got.. So...


I am thinking that I could up my budget to purchase used (or newish) L'acoustics 12P and 15" PA or Maybe a used Meyer UP-1P system.. But are these overkill for what I am doing and the venues I am playing? I am doing a solo rock performer/guitarist thing here and I use Logic as my band (Tracks I make). It's as loud as a band and I need something good..


SHould I up the budget? Are the L'acoustics or MEYER's 6,000quid times better than the DSR's or the NEXO? I set up and break down at every gig. I will not be renting the system out so there will be no return on my investment that way...


I just want to get an idea of what some of you lot might do and or choose in my situation.. Maybe even an alternate suggestion that I have not thoght of... anyway, I hope I have been clear and look forward to your thoughts.

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You won't see too many complaints about the DSRs here, along with many other contemporary powered cabs, but what is really wrong with your current system?


You talk about setup/breakdown time & the amp rack. With a system like this, it's about as easy as can be. Single mains input and the single speaker cables to each unit, or even a single daisy chained NL4 if mono, even with subs. While I use an active rig, it can be at least as annoying having to run mains to all cabs. Your system should be dead quick to setup.


What exactly do you have? PS10s, obviously. You don't mention subs, but presumably you have them if you're considering buying new subs. And what Nexo amp do you have?


Ultimately, you've probably got a great system. You could replace it with another great system, but add weight, and quite likely quite a bit of cash.


Assuming you've currently got LS500/600 subs, then the DSR18s are an extra 12 KG, and the DRS12s are an extra 7kg. That amp rack is starting to look less of a problem...

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You won't see too many complaints about the DSRs here, along with many other contemporary powered cabs, but what is really wrong with your current system?


You talk about setup/breakdown time & the amp rack. With a system like this, it's about as easy as can be. Single mains input and the single speaker cables to each unit, or even a single daisy chained NL4 if mono, even with subs. While I use an active rig, it can be at least as annoying having to run mains to all cabs. Your system should be dead quick to setup.


What exactly do you have? PS10s, obviously. You don't mention subs, but presumably you have them if you're considering buying new subs. And what Nexo amp do you have?


Ultimately, you've probably got a great system. You could replace it with another great system, but add weight, and quite likely quite a bit of cash.


Assuming you've currently got LS500/600 subs, then the DSR18s are an extra 12 KG, and the DRS12s are an extra 7kg. That amp rack is starting to look less of a problem...


Alec, thanks for the response. I have the Nexo PS10 amp and a Dynacord sub.


I like your suggestions and see the sense. The thing is there is a lot of stuff and I am using a car as a band van - because Greece is like Cuba without prison camps- getting a van or a bigger vehicle for transport can be an expensive tax problem but that's another story..


I am trying to lighten the load or the amount of kit.. I am going to purchase a QSC touch16 to replace my Soundcraft spirit and my EQ so that does remove the soundboard case from the equation. I am going to really think about your suggestion.. Thanks for that.

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I like your suggestions and see the sense. The thing is there is a lot of stuff and I am using a car as a band van - because Greece is like Cuba without prison camps- getting a van or a bigger vehicle for transport can be an expensive tax problem but that's another story..


Another thing in the right quality range will be the EV ETX series. The PS10TD weigh 15KG each but the ETX 10P is 20KG and the 15" Subs are 41KG not sure that lot would fit in a car though unless it's a people mover or SUV or something.


The jump after that would be to RCF TT or JBL VP both of which are over 3 times the price of Yamaha DSR or EV ETX per box.

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I had happy times with some small cheap active speakers, using only a pair. I simply sent mains and balanced signal up one cable and it worked each time. HOWEVER if you need a multi speaker system remember that you will need lots of signal leads AND lots of power leads.
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Hey all, long time no post....


Anyway, I have been living in Greece for the past 5 years and I have been gigging here for all of those seasons. I am coming home to the UK in October to do some work and I am also in the market for a new P.A.. I'll try to be as comprehensive as I can...


I currently use a NEXO PS10 system, which I love, but the set up and break down time, along with the amp box etc is getting a bit dreary, so I want to downsize to powered speakers. I thought a budget of 3500quid.


I have been quite interested in the YAMAHA DSR 12x2 and 1 DSR 118.. I have been doing tons of reading and these seem to be getting great reviews. And since NEXO has been bought by YAMAHA and NEXO supossedly did something with these speakers -I don't know what exactly, I thought they might just be the thing I am looking for.. However, because I live on an island in Greece you can;t just pop up to Bristol to have a listen or an A/B.. Anything you buy pretty much is a pig in a poke unless you want to take two ferry trips and a ride to Athens only to be told they don't stock what you are looking for.. So...


It looked for a time that my NEXO Amp was going to need servicing and if that was the case it would have been gone for a month or more... GREECE- ATHENs-- it's how it is.. So, I thought that I was going to need to buy a new system, which was going to be a punt on the YAMAHA's.. However, when push came to shove I was really unsure if I was doing the right thing, but I couldn't stop gigging as we only have a 5 month season. Anyway it turned out the amp was OK and I didn't have to buy then and there.. But this got me thinking..


I'm playing outside gigs in Hotels of 150-200 people or large Pub size venues and the PS10's have never let me down.. If Nexo made powered speakers I would not even be posting.. The thing is I could not bear buying something and it not sounding as good as what I have got.. So...


I am thinking that I could up my budget to purchase used (or newish) L'acoustics 12P and 15" PA or Maybe a used Meyer UP-1P system.. But are these overkill for what I am doing and the venues I am playing? I am doing a solo rock performer/guitarist thing here and I use Logic as my band (Tracks I make). It's as loud as a band and I need something good..


SHould I up the budget? Are the L'acoustics or MEYER's 6,000quid times better than the DSR's or the NEXO? I set up and break down at every gig. I will not be renting the system out so there will be no return on my investment that way...


I just want to get an idea of what some of you lot might do and or choose in my situation.. Maybe even an alternate suggestion that I have not thoght of... anyway, I hope I have been clear and look forward to your thoughts.


If you want to save weight and space have you considered a powered column array system such as Bose or the k-array kobra system. You would be surprised how much sound they produce with a 12 inch sub and bunch of dome drivers, plus you can fit it all in a small boot.

I'm a big fan of the Nexo ps range and would go with that over the other powered systems you have suggested. But if size and weight is an issue a column array system is worth a thought.

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PS10s are an excellent system and as has been said, about as quick to rig and as small as it comes. You're not going to gain anything by changing to actives, if anything, just make it more difficult and waste money. Keep your money in your pocket and enjoy those PS10s. They'll have plenty more life in them yet. It's already difficult enough to make money as a musician without buying PAs you don't need!
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  • 4 weeks later...

I think that reading between the lines (so to speak) and now that you know you don't have an amp issue you're just a bit fed up with your current system and have the itch for a change... we all go through it !!



If it ain't broke etc spend the cash elsewhere :-)




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