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VT playback


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Hello all.

I work at a venue and we use a Tricaster in our main room and get on very well with it.

In the smaller venues, I usually use a Mac running Qlab to trigger VT's and switch with an ATEM. However, there's not always a Mac available and I'm wondering what you all use on PC. Had a quick scan on here and BMagic forum and people seem to like VMix and CasparCG. It's usually straightforward VT play out only, but I like the cue stack interface of Qlab or Playback Pro. Who uses what?


I've also had some issues with very heavy HD files in PPP but guess that's down to the Mac capabilities. What hardware have people used? I've tried the KiPro's from Aja but £1200 a pop seems steep for what I need.

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The new 13" retina macbook pro is well under a grand and having just set one up for qlab playback, it seems to do the job fine. If it were me id use qlab on that for the vts and powerpoint on a pc for the powerpoints as using one machine for both doesnt allways end well . Having both gets you out of the hole when you get the unexpected Mac format drive or last minute Keynote presentation. Doesnt answer the question, but if there is a pc based alternative to Qlab or PBP im yet to find it...
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That's the setup at the moment, with a third running the ATEM switcher. Programmes like Zoom and VLC are ok, but hiccups with control deck flipping to the output screen or the playlist not having trim options on the fly mean that I'm looking for a Windows based software for when the Mac isn't free.
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SCS is good for simple video playback, never had a major issue with it.


It does not have scaling and "mapping" or fades (or at least it didnt a few years ago) like Qlab does, but that is not the end of the world. Other than that it is great. And great support. IIR video uses WMP codecs if that is an issue.

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