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Is it me or is a lot of the Eurovision song contest having excessive stark black and white lighting contrasts and way over the top strobing? My wife has epilepsy and is struggling to watch it so looks like we are going to change over. Vienna... nil points!!!
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Possibly, it was certainly very "One Direction", but overall, the whole production values are quite amazing.


The LED balls at the beginning were simply fantastic. I'd love to think there were 30 people up on the fly floor with a bar each.

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And then the LED balls were parked onto the ceiling and ignored for the rest of the show... I didn't quite understand that. Surely if you've got that element there, then you'd try to make use of it?
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The flying balls were a really nice effect. It might've been nice to have seen them once or twice more, doing something different to what they did in the intro sequence - but with something like that there's always the danger that it'll become over-used. I thought the visuals team did a really nice job last night, and managed to get plenty of variation out of the rig (admittedly, a very large rig which makes it easier http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif) to ensure that there weren't any "oh, this effect again" moments. I didn't spot anything which looked less than good, and there were a handful of real 'wow' moments which really impressed me. What a pity the songs (and artistes) weren't better. At least the UK continued our long tradition of being there just to make most of the other countries feel better about themselves. And possibly to prompt a surge in the sale of Bird's Eye potato waffles.


Oh, and Italy should've won - they were the only ones who could really sing properly.

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I thought the balls looked cool. Couldn't tell if they were on bars or individually controlled. The nervous tech in me had visions of one coming down and not going back up again and people in the rig to deal with it if it happened. :)


I know what you mean about the strobing, I don't suffer from epilepsy but I find strobe pointed at me in the audience uncomfortable. I suspect it would have looked better in the auditorium than on TV. The closer camera angles on the performers might have detracted from the overall stage effect.

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