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X32 and Waves Multirack?


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Hi all


Is there anyone here who can give me a quick howto on the X32 and Waves Multirack please?


I couldn't figure out how to route the fx into Waves and out of the card onto the bus.


Other than that we're getting on well with the console.





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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Patrick.


Thanks but I have seen that video. I followed the steps and it didn't work, in fact we've still not succeeded in getting it to work :(


My engineer has the desk atm and is planning to spend some time on it this week.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear BigYinUK,

If you are trying to use Waves plugins as FX send/returns, here is how it can be done:


For this example, I'll use Buses 9-11(which are set as post-fader by default) to give me 3 mono FX sends to Waves Multirack. Then we will use AUX Returns 1-6 for 3 stereo returns from Multirack.


On the "card out" page of the ROUTING menu, switch the first column (Output 1-8) to "Out 9-16". By default, buses 9-14 are assigned to outputs 9-14, but you can check this on the "Out 1-16" page.


In Multirack, input 1 will be the signal from bus 9, input 2 will be bus 10, and input 3 will be bus 11. Create 3 "racks" using inputs 1-3. For rack one, assign the outputs to Out 1+2, rack two to Out 3+4, and rack three to Out 5+6.


On the X32, go to the "home" page of the ROUTING menu. Change the "Aux In Remap" column to "Card 1-6". Now your returns from Multirack should appear on Aux Return channels 1-6. Since your FX returns from Multirack are stereo, you will want to stereo link Aux 1+2, Aux 3+4, & Aux 5+6. Hope it helps!



Manager, Customer Experience, Engagement



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So the X32 can have three extra stereo or 6 single channel fx using the aux 'inserts' feature.... that's pretty impressive. I have a Compact, can I still make use of the physical I/O in the aux section (assigned to some spare channels) while using the aux I/O like this?
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Dear Sam,


This was just one example, as there are many possibilities since the X-USB interface is 32x32 channels. If one had extra input channels available, such as yourself with a X32 COMPACT, they could return a full bank of 8 to input channels and utilize bus 12 as well for a total of 4 sends / 4 stereo returns. You could also use buses 5-12 for 8 sends and bring those 8 stereo FX returns in on inputs 17-32. In these examples, physical Aux I/O would still be available since you are not using the Aux In Remap feature.


In my example from earlier, however, I used the Aux In Remap feature in order to not lose any input channels. This would be useful if you were working with 25-32 inputs. In this scenario, your physical Aux Inputs (returns) would be disabled, but the physical Aux Outputs would still be available and assignable.




Manager, Customer Experience, Engagement



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Dear BigYinUK,

If you are trying to use Waves plugins as FX send/returns, here is how it can be done:



Manager, Customer Experience, Engagement




Thank you John. I'll get together with my engineer and give this a try asap.





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