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Titan v6 shows on v8


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I have an avo titan v6 show (I think it's 6.1 or 6.2) and want to open and edit it in titan simulator (just downloaded latest version). The show will be used on a tiger touch with v8.


I have moved the show file in to the avolites>titan>users>show folder on my pc.


The show won't appear on the hard drive in titan on my pc


Can v6 shows be opened in v8 and re saved as a v8 show?


How can I get this show open so I can at least get the soft pach off it?



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I'm not sure if the path is correct. It should be My Documents\Titan\Shows. Or just put it on in the root of Usb thumbdrive and load from there.


Shows should be forwards compatible (I still have one show that has transitioned all major and minor builds since v1). However, in my experience things go wrong if you try to jump versions. I recommend loading/saving in v7 (just 7.5 should work) first before going to 8.1.


Note that only 'full' shows (.d4z) can transition major version boundaries. Autosaves (.d4b) will not work. In this case you need to load/save in the original version first.


The only issue I know of when moving shows from 7 -> 8.1 is the selected key profile will reset to default (program). If necessary simply reselect the required key profile and save. Once saved out of v8 it will remember correctly again.

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