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the kid

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1st off I'm not sure if this should be tea break or not, but it covers quite a bit of technical things.


Who made / customized the BBC's shiny new bus I saw a hint of it on last night. If I'm not mistaken there is a small stage complete with light on the upper deck.

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It didn't say who made it, but there's something on it in Ariel. Basically it's a converted double decker, with mini-TV studio on the ground floor and a radio studio on the top floor with all the OB equipment and stuff onboard to transmit wherever.
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Guest lightnix

30 seconds on :) reveals this.


"Richard Critchlow, who organises special events for BBC News, has been looking after the project since last year."

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  • 3 weeks later...
30 seconds on :) reveals this.


"Richard Critchlow, who organises special events for BBC News, has been looking after the project since last year."

Well the bus has arrived in Bristol today, along with a few additional OB vans. They were having a minor panic though as a there was a flat tyre on the generator van...


The small automated cameras look really great, and there is a small amount of lighting on the top level. Seems like a really great idea, but it must be a slog for the crew!


Hopefully I may be shown around later (the lady said to come back when it was less busy...) so if that comes to anything I may be able to expand on this...


Also spoke to George Alagaih and John Culshaw, which was nice...



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Sorry I didn't get a chance to update before, but I did go back to the Harbourside, and the chaps were very nice indeed and showed me all round the facilities.


I got to watch the News 24 broadcast go out live from the OB van, and got to watch the 6 o'clock rehearsals etc., so all in all it was a great afternoon. (by the way, the pic to the left is me on the bus...)


It's in Cambridge today, so if you are anywhere near I do strongly advise popping along if you are interested. I am sure that if the crew have a moment they would be most happy to speak.



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