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Poorly Strand 520i!


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Hi There,


I have a Strand 520i that isn't booting randomly! It has been an ongoing problem for some time. It has had a new motherboard, processor, Ram and power supply. The only parts that haven't been replaced are the strand parts and the hard drive!


The desk will start and the panels will light up however nothing will appear on the monitors and the console will not then boot at all. If you take the processor out and reseat it a few times it does eventually seem to boot, however it is pot luck if it will do it the next time around! It has also occasionally frozen once actually booted.


Any ideas gratefully welcome!




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I have had the problem with the 520i when it has been moved around the processor unseats itself and can cause stability issues or failure to boot. So that would be my bet. How to solve this I don't really know. Elastic bands? :D
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Guys,


Thanks for the suggestions!


I did wonder about the CMOS battery, however it is remembering all it's BIOS Settings, would it not forget them if the battery was dead? Or could it still be a problem?


The processor reseating does seem to solve the problem occasionally!


The motherboard is an Asus P2B-F with a 600mhz Pentium 3.

Cheers guys,


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