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Kam LED Powerbar PSU replacement


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I've got a Kam LED Powerbar that's hardly been used more than 10 times and it's PSU is dead. I've opened up the bar and checked that mains voltage is getting to the PSU assembly, but nothing is coming out. I see no obvious evidence of a blown component (no soot or melted solder pad). Is this a common failure for this unit? Is it a matter of getting a replacement PSU from Kam or will they insist on replacing it themselves? Is there a risk that there is a short or other fault in the controller that caused the PSU to fail, and I will just blow another PSU if I replace it?


Keen to hear if anyone has any experience or advice here.




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Did you check the out put of the power supply without the controller connected then if you could use another power supply of the same voltage as a test power supply. I do have a kam led power bars but I do not know if they are the same model as yours but I have modded mine so I can use them on other 12v sources as well as been used on mains.

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Indeed I isolated the psu from the controller and there is no DC volatage at all coming out of the PSU, with mains applied and controller disconnected. In fact there is 230 on the mains side of the step-down transformer and nothing on the output side. (But I don't know enough about electronics to fault the transformer on that basis.)


I agree it would be instructive to use a separate power supply and see if the controller works, but I don't know the specs and I don't know what should come out of the PSU. Is it 12V? In that case I could always try a car battery, eh? I'll know within a few seconds if the controller is shorted because my leads will start melting. :)


Seriously though, I do have a few PC PSUs kicking about, so if I knew what voltage/current was required I could look for a suitable test supply and even re-wire a custom alternative.




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Is your powerbar got 7 3watt tre leds in each of its panels. I would be 12 vote at the lowest and it would be more like 24 votes and for current any thing abve 3 amp would be good for a test.


I take yours has a transformer in it and not a switch mode power supply

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