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Analogue Cable Advice


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I am thinking of running 2 lot of 6ch analogue dimming down on cable to I will need 12ch line + one ground as well as two extra lines for specials so (15core cable)… This is to be connected to my new (well new to me) MA Light Commander 12/2 . What I need to know is it wise run two dimmers control line sets down one cable and what sort of cable should I use. I can’t go for something expensive with loads of shielding as I don’t have the money but they again I don’t want to take the tacky cheap unreliable cable. So I need a good quality but not over kill cable suggestion for this purpose.



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Shouldn't need shielding.


Is this for a trailing cable or an install?


If budget is an issue, CAT5 will do the job, you can buy it for about 30 quid for 1000 feet of install cable.


For a movable cable, I'd be lookign fcor something a bit more coil-able...



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Agree with Bruce that for install nothing beats Cat 5 on price.


Shouldn`t need shielding really but screened cable, strangely, tends to be cheaper than unscreened in signal multicore.


Braided screen will reel better than it will hand coil.

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I am after cable to tour so yes it has to be coil-able… yes in an Ideal world I would have 100s to spend on one cable to get a really good quality but I don’t so what I am after is not it will do the job stuff like cat5e network cable but it will do the job well and the only situation you would not use this quality of cable in is the Olympics stadium or the west end… (not that they would be using analogue!!!) if that makes sense… (ok I’m tired)


Thanks for the Rapid suggestion and I think their prices are much better than maplin… just I always seem to forget about Rapid, RS, CPC ect… and stupidly go Maplin straight away… Anyway I have had an offer of 18 core cable second hand on a real so I may not need to buy analogue cable anyway… but thanks anyway :angry:

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