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Running A PA Properly

Vin Trouble

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Hi folks, A couple of questions regarding running a PA for a duo and trio. I'm running backing tracks with two vox and guitar into a Yamaha MG82cx desk, then to aQSC KSub then to a pair of QSC K8's. My questions are:



Q1 Where should I set the gains on the sub and tops? Should they be approx 0dB? Someone once told me to turn your active tops all the way up and control from the desk, then someone said 0dB, and I'll never clip them.


Q2 When I'm running the line out from the sub I assume I'm getting everything above 100HZ to the tops, so do I still need to set the tops to the setting for Ext Sub, or should I just leave them as full range, as they won't be getting anything from the lower register anyways. Cheers.

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I think the QSC subs have a full range output and rely on the HPF in the tops (I have K12s but don't use them with the KSub), if so you'll need to use the Ext Sub setting on the K8s. Regarding gain, I start by setting my K12s and my EV sub to around 0dB and adjust to taste from there. Others here use different methods for optimising gain structure through the signal chain but as long as you aren't overdriving any part of the rig you'll be ok.
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Provided the PA is big enough for the job at hand (and you aren't planning on hitting the limiter all night to try and squeeze every last db of level from it),I would start the system with the attenuators set at -infinity, and send some audio from the desk at 0 db, and turn the attenuators up until you think you have a good playback level. This should mean that the desk will be running in the 'sweet spot' (most faders around the 0 db mark to give you maximum control for fine tuning) and should ensure you have some headroom for large transients (that huge chorus with the 5 part harmony,or the massively loud snare when the drummer really goes for it)


Once You have the tops set, I would then turn the subs up until they ballance with the tops.

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