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Media Server


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Hi everyone



I've used Watchout for the the past 2 years and I've experience a few problems with it that I'm not happy with. I have a 64 bit display machine, 6 output AMD graphics card, two SSD's one for the operating software and the other one for watchout.


I'm looking for a more hands on media server with similar features as Watchout or even more, that will allow me to make changes during a show if I have to.


What matrix switcher will be the most trust worthy for the best price to use with watchout? Becuase I'm sick of Watchout going crazy when it lose an output.



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Are you just using one Watchout display machine and as such only ever working with 6 outputs? If that is the case, then yes, I agree Watchout is probably not the best tool for you - I would be looking for a DMX controllable media server that can handle it on one box (Avolites AI-S6 springs to mind). Whilst I have a great love for Watchout they are starting to very quickly fall behind the curve when compared to Coolux, Hippo and Avo's offerings - Then you also have D3 which can cope with 4 x 4k outputs (or 16 HD outputs). The limit is budget. Watchout you can get 6 outputs using commodity hardware with a modest software licensing fee. Coolux can do similar but more limited in output and layer scope I believe. Hippo, Avo are relatively expensive if you look at it purely from a hardware point of view - due to economy of scale and the necessity to buy in bulk as they are not guaranteed to be able to buy the parts they rigorously tested even 6 months after release but not unobtainably so. D3 generally only tell you the price after they are sure you are sitting down. If all you do is large scale projection and you do it every day, you won't find much better.
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Thanks for everyone's reply, Mhm yes I agree that watchout is not powerful enough and will definitely take time to go thru all your mentioned media server's. I would also like all opinions about pvp 2 vs. Qlab. I used qlab as my triggering system for multi tracks and timecode, I enjoyed working with it. Now when it comes to video playback how does pvp and qlab compare?
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  • 2 months later...

Well that was a good reason to dig up a 2 month old thread and create an account for http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/blink.gif


If you know anything about Media Servers you would know that Watchout and Resolume are not really the same sort of product.

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