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Hi all,


I was a regular on here years ago but drifted away in the end. (Can't remember my old username!)


Family circumstances now dictate that I'm moving to Canada.


Are there any members from that part of the world or can anyone recommend project/production management/hire firms in the Toronto-ish area?




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Well, I live almost as far away from Toronto as you do, but I do still live in Canada... Moved here 7 years ago from the UK. Now a Canadian Citizen.


I often see Toronto jobs on http://www.citt.org/cgi/page.cgi/job_board.html and they're a great organization (disclaimer: I'm involved in organising the BC Section). They also run networking events that may be useful.


Assuming your visa stuff is all in order (and trust me, CIC are not the easiest organization to work with, so do check you're really sure it is in order) then you could try and apply from where you are - although I found that until I could provide a local address no-one would take me seriously.


It took me about a month to find some work, about three months to find regular work, and about six months to find a job that was similar to the one I left in the UK. I think being willing to do that work from the bottom up again was important to building my reputation in a town that didn't know me. So it's best to be financially prepared for that kind of timeline.


Hire companies: Christie Lites are huge all across Canada: Here's a job going in Toronto right now: https://www.christielites.com/career.php?job_key=67 They're a bit like PRG are in the UK. PRG operate out of Toronto too.


Hopefully someone from Toronto will come along with a bit more local knowledge.


And: Welcome to Canada. It's a great place. :)

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