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SD Card Media Players


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Hi im looking for some SD card media players.. used Raipec ones in the past but there a tad expensive for my client. has anybody got any suggestions for robust, reliable units that dont cost the earth but arent stupidly expensive?



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personally speaking if go for Brightsign. we own over 50 and lifes to short to dick around with cheap media players that let you down. when you do installs that need to be up 24/7 for extended periods you soon learn that cheap is cheap for a reason. A hd 120 is under 200.00 and id say thats cheap, but others would say its crazy money. Depends on the situation really, but the decent stuff costs...
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+1 for bright sign. I've had cheap Chinese players that cost £30 and would show 'loop' in the top right corner each time it looped, very pro. These would also go off for no reason when used for a long time.

Just bought two bright sign HD220s which play HD video 24/7 and have yet to fail me!

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