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Question on Frog operation


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A question for the Frog users in here...


If you've got an external keyboard and a monitor connected do you ever need to use the up/down arrow keys or the +/- keys on the Frog itself, or refer to the LCD screen?


I can't check this out on the Frog I use as it's an old one without a monitor output.

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The only reason you still need to use the +/- keys once you have a keyboard is to get into Super User - +, - and ENTER. Everything else is replicated by the arrow keys on the Keyboard (be warned, they don't always follow the logical order - sometimes Up goes Left and Down goes Right, etc).


Why do you ask, Brian?

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The only reason you still need to use the +/- keys once you have a keyboard is to get into Super User - +, - and ENTER.  Everything else is replicated by the arrow keys on the Keyboard (be warned, they don't always follow the logical order - sometimes Up goes Left and Down goes Right, etc). 


Why do you ask, Brian?

Thanks Peter.


In the past I've voiced my opinion that I don't like the Frogs but I'm wondering if that's because using one for anything other than very basic stuff is IMHO complete pants if you rely on up/down/+/- keys and a fairly poor 4-line LCD display. But there is no denying that the Frog range is a very attractive package.


My search is continuing for a new desk. This morning I spotted that my usual PC bits supplier now has 15" TFT LCDs for £99 excl VAT. This got me thinking that maybe a Frog (probably of the Fat variety) with external keyboard and TFT display might not be such a bad thing to buy. The manual makes no real mention of what you can do with the keyboard/monitor combination. Hence my question.

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Note the excellent support forum here for the frogs.


This is just off the top of my head, but basically the keyboard cursor keys do the same thing as those arrows on the desk. I don't think you can hold two keyboard keys down together though, so to go into Super User for example, you would need to do it on the desk...I think.


The Function keys 1 to 4 match those on the desk, and as mentioned above, it is now possible to press the Go button on the desk by pressing Enter on the keyboard.


The Frog range has the ability to attach 6 remote switches to trigger memories etc. By holding the Ctrl key on the keyboard and F1-6, these can be triggered also.


The latest software release allows increased keyboard symbols to be used when naming submasters and memories. Typing in a memory number and pressing enter does jump to memories very quickly, and pressing enter again will trigger the cue.


I echo the post's above that the Frog range is much much better with a keyboard and monitor! :angry:


All I can think of for now...




P.S The Frogger game hidden in the desks is also easier to play with a keyboard!

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