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sound outs for computers


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Hi all



Please forgive me I’m fairly new to the sound side ofthings. I’m looking for a bit of hard ware that I was told about but for thelife of me I can’t remember what it is called. I have SCS on my computer to runSFX for shows and I understand that I can send tracks to different outputs. Nowwith my limited computer knowledge I know I need to add more out puts to mycomputer. Can someone recommend the hard ware for this, I’m looking for 4 XLRouts



Thanks for the help


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What you want is usually called a sound card. There are lots of them to choose from.


If you have a desktop computer, you may prefer a PCI type card, otherwise a USB (or possibly Firewire) external box. I'd be looking for one that has 4 balanced outputs, probably on TRS connectors.

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I presume you need USB for a Windows pc.

You do not need XLR outputs, and if you do that will seriously narrow your options.

You require Balanced line level outputs these can be in the form of XLR but more common due to size constraints is balanced TRS Jack sockets.

Using a four way TRS jack to XLR loom you will be able to interface with the mixing desk as you require.


Focusrite Scarlett 6i6 is 6 inputs 6 outputs (two are headphone outs). http://uk.focusrite....lett-6i6/images


hopefully the monitor out control on the front panel can be patched to control something other than a pair of line outs other wise it will have to be set and not adjusted afterwards.



Presonus AudioBox 44VSL http://www.presonus.com/products/AudioBox-44VSL/media

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You do not need XLR outputs, and if you do that will seriously narrow your options.

You require Balanced line level outputs these can be in the form of XLR but more common due to size constraints is balanced TRS Jack sockets.



So did you at any point read the OP? It seems a bit rich to tell the OP that they are wrong. Of course, you may mean that they don't *have* to go with an XLR out soundcard, but that is not how your post comes across.


Can someone recommend the hard ware for this, I’m looking for 4 XLRouts

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We use for that RME Fireface UCX. Works both ways firewire or USB. And you can use it with Windows and Mac. Usually I have it connected directly to amps without mixing desk. On initial setup I adjust the channels and after that I use the button on sound card to do slight adjustments to master volume.
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