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Active ATC v passive PMC


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I have used the ATC 50's for location recording in the Royal Albert Hall. I found them to be a very accurate speaker. The low end is perhaps a bit "wooly" (IMHO) but we were monitoring in a temporary control room which wasn't ideal. They are also a very heavy speaker (at least a two man lift). I'm not sure of the exact PMC model in question but I heard some of their top end speakers in a hi-fi demo room and was really impressed with the tight, punchy sound they had.


I think for a home hi-fi setup I would personally go for a PMC setup. The ATC are really meant as accurate studio monitors and are pretty unforgiving I.e a spades a spade! which is what I would want in a recording situation. However for home use I think this could get a little tiring on the ears!


Good Luck!

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How do you rate the sonic difference between an Active pair of ATC 50's and a passive pair of PMC IB2's running from a bryston 14bsst? To be used in home hifi setup.


You might be better off asking in a home-hifi forum then.

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I prefer to balance my audio advice between high end hifi nutters and more down to earth studio technicians. The middle ground between these two groups is usually a good path to walk. I feel companies like benchmark, pmc, atc and bryston lie in this area. Obviously there will always be extreme opinions from either camp, but it's interesting to gain a wider perspective.
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To throw a spanner in the works,


Have you considered B&W?


I'm no Hi-Fi expert, but I know of the speakers produced by this company of being top notch products. (Esp the £30k pair! which my musician friend said were unbelievably brilliant, but then I guess at that price they'd have to be).


Out of the other two you mention, I'd probably go PMC.

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As the post refers to professional speakers and this is a professional forum, I think the question is valid.  I believe you would get a better answer here than in any Hi-Fi forum.


Perhaps this is borderline. I'm just conscious that the BR is drifting increasinly off-topic these days and as it does it's value as a resource to those involved in theatre decreases. But I guess that's up to the moderators to decide.

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I don't see how a question about sound in the sound forum is off topic. This website is used by far more people than just the theatre industry, and all should be able to have their say.


It is the moderators job to decide what is and is not relevant and I do not think that people should be scared off from posting interesting and valuable questions because some people do not consider them valid.


We are all trying to obtain the same ultimate goal, be it in a stadium, arena, theatre, school, studio or, in this case, at home. As long as the question is not about "what can I buy for 20 quid", then I think the poster deserves an educated answer or opinion, if anyone has one.


Every bit of knowledge helps.

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Having installed a number of PMC/Bryston set-ups in dubbing studios I'd go that route if only because I trust the result.


But as Mr Si suggested, B&W also make some very good units. We once installed a pair of 808's in a 24-track studio - astonishing. We were running them at 'mixing' volume for the first time and we hadn't realised quite how loud they were until we turned to talk to each other and couldn't hear a thing we said. They were so clean that there was absolutely no clue as to the levels they were pushing out.

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I would tend to agree, the B&W used to be THE reference monitor (particularly the 801) but these days it has largely been superseded by other models.. Many people say that the transient response of the 801 is rather slow compared to a lot of other professional monitors. The nautilus sereies is an upgraded version which sounds superb but is way out of most peoples budget.


P.S I don't think this is off topic as I have used a lot of these products for professional live recording... (usually at the venue in the crappy room that is not being used for anything else!) A key part of the live sound industry. The forum title does say "Bringing Backstage online" after all!

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