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LED Par Cans. No DMX output.

Stu Mannix

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Quick question....? (IF I may)...


I have some LED Par Cans...RGB 36x3w. They are great, except for one thing. The first in the chain of eight works perfectly. But the next one in the chain (whether addressed in uniform or on the next available channel) just doesn't seem to be receiving the DMX signal. Nada/Zip/Zilch.

Tried three controllers. Same result.

Tried changing cables (All cables are DMX, not audio cables). Same result.

Tried in 3 channel Master mode and in Slave mode (which is how they should be set). Nothing. Same result.

The DMX chain is terminated at the end. Even tried not terminating. Nothing seems to fix the anomaly. Any ideas?

BTW, used them at the Edinburgh Festival and they worked perfectly!


Any theories considered. Cos right now, I'm feeling like an idiot.


Thanks in advance.

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Is this just a problem with one fixture, i.e. if you put a different fixture first in the chain, does the fault move?


edit... Brian beat me.

Fixtures which do master/slave generally don't have separate DMX in and out chips. They just switch the line to transmit mode.

It could be internal wiring in the fixture though.

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any one fixture with the controller works fine, any 2nd fixture with the same dip switch settings or different settings does not work.

I think I'm honing in on the problem. Got six of the eight working. I found a dodgy dip switch that was cutting of the signal.Gonna try putting the two dodgy fixtures at the end of the chain.


timsabre, Brian, Don, thanks for your help. You helped me hone in on the problem. It's the output stage of both dodgy fixtures. Now....I need to try and fix them. Gulp!

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