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Chamsys MagicQ 40 - Stage Depot


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Hi All,


Newly registered and first post but long time reader!


Am just about to buy a MagicQ40 and flight case for myself after lots of research and years of using the software and dongle.


It seems that they are really only available via Stage Depot.


Just before I hit the button, does anyone have any reviews or, equally, concerns about buying from them?


Do Chamsys sell direct?


Many thanks :o)

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They do, subject to who you are, but they have a number of dealers. From personal experience - 10 out of 10, Blue Room member Paul Need's company have always been good to me - but everyone will have their own favourites. If you call Chamsys in Southampton, they'll give you a dealer near you if you wish.
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We got our desk direct from Chamsys (MQ60) not long ago with a decent discount - I believe they are the normal dealers in UK? (although obviously more convenient if you are a long way from Southampton to use someone else perhaps). I would email or phone Chamsys in the morning and check if their price compares with the one quoted already. Have you had the MQ40 demo'ed at your site for example before you commit the funds, for example to check that the internal monitor works for you (bearing in mind you have no other options)?
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They do, subject to who you are, but they have a number of dealers. From personal experience - 10 out of 10, Blue Room member Paul Need's company have always been good to me - but everyone will have their own favourites. If you call Chamsys in Southampton, they'll give you a dealer near you if you wish.


Really? Who do you have to be?


Mine came straight from Chamsys with a reasonable discount. I didn't know anyone or do anything special I just e-mailed Tony, got a price, paid the money and got the product...

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The lack of external monitor is bothering me somewhat, in that I do like having my two screens with visualiser on.


My problem is that I have just started freelancing enough to buy a console but don't have the budget for a 60 - but would like something fully integrated like a console rather than a PC wing. I don't much fancy lugging around a pc, 2 monitors and a wing. Would build a custom rack if I was any good at woodwork!!


Having read a bit further this evening I'm now in two minds.


Can the 40 be used in conjunction withe PC software at all? There seems to be very little info on the 40 online. I have also seen some use an artnet to connect to a visualiser but seems like a faff.


Haven't had a demo of the 40 but have used various pro consoles and the software over the years on sites so am fine with the software.


Sorry for disjointed post - not usually a forumer.

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Stage Depot are attached to Enlightned Lighting who I have personally dealt with on a number of occasions so deffo a legit company - I also went to school with Stage Depot's director many years ago. Can't vouch whether they'll give you the best deal though!
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The lack of external monitor is bothering me somewhat, in that I do like having my two screens with visualiser on.


My problem is that I have just started freelancing enough to buy a console but don't have the budget for a 60 - but would like something fully integrated like a console rather than a PC wing. I don't much fancy lugging around a pc, 2 monitors and a wing. Would build a custom rack if I was any good at woodwork!!


Having read a bit further this evening I'm now in two minds.


Can the 40 be used in conjunction withe PC software at all? There seems to be very little info on the 40 online. I have also seen some use an artnet to connect to a visualiser but seems like a faff.


Haven't had a demo of the 40 but have used various pro consoles and the software over the years on sites so am fine with the software.


Sorry for disjointed post - not usually a forumer.

The primary reason for a demo is so you can judge if the single display is appropriate for your user population. This might be plotting in the auditorium or up in the control room. If you do theatre, can a script be followed without putting it on the desk? That sort of thing, rather than what the desk is capable of but about which there is no argument.

The only way to interact with the MQ40 from a PC is to save onto a memory stick and load it onto the MQ40. This was one of the options we looked at so that the desk could be left permanently installed, but the snag is that the PC ends up doing all the work so why bother with a console at all? Everyone agreed we wanted a desk so we preferred to overspend on an MQ60 which is an all singing and dancing desk way way way more powerful than we could ever need. The first show we used it, it was remote controlled by the SM and drove our sound system via a DMX device, which would not have been possible on an MQ40. Also, we are quite elderly and eyes are not as sharp as they used to be so the internal display was hard work (although there is some development on improving this).

So all I am saying is don't spend your dosh without seeing the internal display yourself, as this has to work in your environment. If only you are going to use it, then only you need to see it. If other people will be using it, you need to consider if it will work for them.

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t would like something fully integrated like a console rather than a PC wing. I don't much fancy lugging around a pc, 2 monitors and a wing.



Just saying (as I always think the PC camp get over-scrutinised), a maxi wing and something like a Dell XPS18 would give you the same 'hands on' buttons as the MQ40, it would give you more screen real estate, and it would give you the networking and wireless that you don't get too. The XPS 18 is very compact and lightweight and has a nice little stand which lets you sit it above the console so it's nice and compact when in-use. You can also plug a second screen into it if you desire. And since it runs Windows you can of course put whichever visualiser system on there that you like.


Basically my point is that for a similar price, you end up with a much more capable system and your only compromise is that you have to carry around 2 pieces of equipment rather than 1 (although you should easily find a Peli case which can take both together). My personal stand is that's a small compromise to make for the savings it brings!


With Vinntec we ascertained that PC-based wasn't the way to go as it was an install desk and it would inevitably end up being loaded with various other guff and being used by other people and what not and wasn't worth the hassle. But if it's for you as a freelance lampy, that is only down to your own discipline so the problems are less.


Just my 2p.

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Top-cat is of course right. Bear in mind a maxi wing costs the same as an MQ40 (when I did the analysis late last year) so discount likely to come to the same amount - to which you need to add the computer [+ monitor] + operating system costs unless you have something suitable already. A PC Wing Compact costs less £1,536 versus £2,784 (using list prices from end of last year) so is another option to consider. It all depends on what you are going to use it for. The MQ40 is a brilliant desk and great for carrying around and reasonably priced. A custom made PC solution is also easy to carry around but you need to do some work getting it just right but you have the advantage of a lot more connectivity options. Go and see all the options yourself - phone Tony or James at Chamsys and arrange to visit them in Southampton [EDIT: or contact your local dealer] and play with these (or they might be able to come to you which is what they did for us). Over to you.
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They do, subject to who you are, but they have a number of dealers. From personal experience - 10 out of 10, Blue Room member Paul Need's company have always been good to me - but everyone will have their own favourites. If you call Chamsys in Southampton, they'll give you a dealer near you if you wish.


Really? Who do you have to be?


Mine came straight from Chamsys with a reasonable discount. I didn't know anyone or do anything special I just e-mailed Tony, got a price, paid the money and got the product...


Same here. I was a new buyer. Did the same as above. We actually had a nice chat on the phone about this and that. He gave me a good discount, In fact I wouldn't have got it cheaper anywhere else....

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computer [+ monitor] + operating system costs


As I said in mine, the amount of 'all in one' solutions out there, and laptops with twisty / fold-over screens you can buy, there is really no need to buy a separate computer and monitor. OS usually comes on it too!


I have seen a Windows Surface 2 Pro running GrandMA2 onPC perfectly happily! It's very easy to find something to fit the bill, LX desk software is not CPU intensive in the slightest.


As for PC Wing, you are right, it's a big cost saver. But it also costs you 2 universes which might be a deal breaker since a decent ArtNet box will cost you 500 quid at the least. I also find personally that the extra buttons on the maxi mean you can do away with a keyboard. It depends what you need really, but all that having a PC Wing really taught me was that I wanted a Maxi Wing, and now that I have an MA Command Wing I can honestly say I'm very glad to have the buttons on the wing and not be relying on a keyboard or on the screen. My vote in the world of PC-based systems is definitely to get the fully equipped wing - the layout of them also helps you to work quickly on the manufacturer's consoles if you decide to scale up for a show.

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Can the 40 be used in conjunction withe PC software at all? There seems to be very little info on the 40 online. I have also seen some use an artnet to connect to a visualiser but seems like a faff.


The MQ40 doesn't have inbuilt networking like the MQ60 an MQ70 do, so you can't connect it to things like MagicVis / MagicHD or MagicQ PC. The only way you could do it is if you use a DMX input onto the visualiser system, but you do lose the integration that MagicQ has between itself and visualisers.


If you drop our sales director a call, then he'll be able to talk you through the options available to you based on your situation and will be able to give you some prices.


As an aside, what information were you looking for online which you couldn't find? Can you drop me a PM with some more info and I'll have a look into it for you.

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Hi All,


Newly registered and first post but long time reader!


Am just about to buy a MagicQ40 and flight case for myself after lots of research and years of using the software and dongle.


It seems that they are really only available via Stage Depot.


Just before I hit the button, does anyone have any reviews or, equally, concerns about buying from them?


Do Chamsys sell direct?


Many thanks :o)


Hi BlueLight & Others


StageDepot is indeed a sister / partner company to Enlightened Lighting. It is a real company with offices and warehouse in Bristol. It is a far cry from an operation run out of someones back room. We have a landline phone number and customers are welcome to pop in or 'collect from store' too.

As you have seen from the webshop we have a good selection of equipment and consumables for the the entertainment industry. Chamsys is one of the product lines that we distribute.


An independent review site shows what our customers think; http://www.bizrate.co.uk/reviews/stage-depot/283479/



01179 727124


If you have any questions or concerns, please do give us a call or get in touch at sales@stagedepot.co.uk.

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