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Stopping the cyc billowing


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So, we have a plastic cyc, stretched in a metal frame, behind which there's about 6' before you hit the back wall of the theatre. So, it gets used as the crossover all the time.


Now, if people walk along, it's fine. But if they run, the air pressure makes the cyc billow. We already put stanchions out so you can't get within 2' of the cyc, but it still happens, especially in busy dance shows. Does anyone have any thoughts/experience on how to combat this?


(Oh, how I wish I had my hard crossover back again...)

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We have exactly the same issue, a full black behind the cyc helps, but doesn't eliminate it.

On our drape cyc weighting the base well (i.e. more than a little bit of conduit) and stretching the sides helps too, but won't help you with your prestretched frame.


We normally have an ASM back there who helps keep order during busy dance shows.

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I use IRW's method. A row of 8X4 flats particularly as I usually have to hang a cyc less than 3 Ft from the back wall. :o




Thanks for the endorsement ;) (Our cyc was about 2' from the back wall!)

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